Some do not connect the dots because in their limited vision there are no dots to connect. What is happening to this country is so BLATANT it’s hard to fathom how anyone can NOT see what’s really going on. What’s happening in our own southern states with the hurricane is similar to what happened in Lahaina with the same $750 offered per household while our citizens are dying and needing help; while illegals are being fast tracked to gain legal status being given monies, healthcare, food and shelter. Our own vice president never in her political career voted in favor of our veterans getting pay increases or benefits yet believes illegals are entitled to food, shelter, education and healthcare.

Some are bent on being “right” instead of seeing the facts.

Watch the documentary The Dimming.

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I’m sickened by the government. Millions, billions to foreign nations for their wars and zero for Americans. FEMA claiming they’re broke. Mayorkas is a foreign born Communist Cuban in charge of our national security, this shouldn’t be allowed..he has NO feelings for Americans.

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If the constitution does not allow for feds to fund in state disasters then why does FEMA exist at all other than to steal more money from us and give to cronies? Who makes those FEMA trailers that are health destroyers? Another elite contractor from the good old boy club?

I'm not surprised they are doing their evil DEI thing but to make it worse.... it's been a week so that means all the scammers from far away will be lining up to take whatever is on offer. And they'll get it just because they aren't white. I've seen it happen yrs ago altho it wasn't race based, no one checked or denied anyone goods and services... no vetting by ID. Those who really needed it lost because others came from afar and loaded up vans. Human nature's dark side is always there.

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MAGA Republicans are now lying about the federal response to Hurricane Helene in much the same way they lied about Haitian migrants bringing chaos and disease to Springfield, Ohio. Both disinformation efforts are flat-out lies, and both are designed to demonize immigrants. Immigration was the issue Trump was so eager to run on that he demanded Republican lawmakers reject the strong border bill a bipartisan group of lawmakers had hammered out.

The federal response to Hurricane Helene has drawn bipartisan praise, with Republican governor Henry McMaster of South Carolina thanking Biden by name for what McMaster called a “superb” response.


Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post did not leave the story there. “Trump has a habit of assuming other politicians act in the same way as he would,” Kessler wrote. So he looked into why Trump would have accused Biden “of raiding the FEMA disaster fund to handle undocumented migrants. It turns out that’s because he did this.”

In the middle of hurricane season in 2019, Kessler explains, Trump took $155 million from the FEMA disaster fund and redirected it to pay for detention space and temporary hearing locations for immigrants seeking asylum. “No, Biden didn’t take FEMA relief money to use on migrants,” the article title reads, “but Trump did.”

As in Springfield, a bipartisan group of lawmakers are begging MAGAs to stop the disinformation, which is keeping people from accessing the help they need and gumming up relief efforts as workers and local and state governments, as well as FEMA, have to waste time combating lies. Scammers and political extremists are making things worse by spreading AI-generated images and claiming that the federal government is ignoring the people and emergencies the images depict.



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Spot in, Dr Rowen. Gov Agencies are working against their own people. And it is up to Americans to stop it. on form 1040... i saw they eliminated choice " resident alien " - that choice nearly cost me life.

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In your anger and misplaced hatred at migrants and Democrats you refuse to see or acknowledge Trump is committed to deporting 12 million migrants, separating families, militarizing the country, destroying economies as millions of these people work for low wages doing essential tasks feeding and clothing us and bringing us closer to a fascist state.

I understand your anger and rage at government refusing to allow doctors like yourself to use life-saving treatments only because they do not enrich big Pharma. That is why I subscribe here and have followed your work and your newsletters for many many years.

But your political views are so off-base, you trust sources that are not trustworthy, You somehow think that Trump will be for more medical freedom when all he cares about is to reward his rich friends and donors the people who control every major industry in America.

Where is any evidence that Trump fought back against big Pharma when he was president for four years? Please show us.

I followed his decisions when he was president and he did absolutely nothing to Control big Pharma and the medical establishment quite the contrary.

He put in an FDA Director Gottlieb who went right on the board of Pfizer after he left government. That’s what you’ll get for the next four more years or longer since Trump will not leave voluntarily unless he can get his son to take over for him like every two bit right wing authoritarian leader in the world.

I realize that from long experience that it is impossible to reason with someone so captured by right wing propaganda.

I hope someday you will see the need to separate your appropriate and needed anger against how government destroys our health and not extend it to demonizing migrants or claiming that Democrats are up to no good.

The extreme weather that has hit your state, North Carolina and so many other places around the world is the direct result of Republicans lying to the American people for decades that climate change is not real. And people like you believe that nonsense.

They lie for only one reason so that the oil companies the most powerful lobby in America along with big Pharma can continue to make big bucks.

Even though every major oil company has been shown to have done studies 35 years ago predicting exactly what is happening right now with climate change.

So I’m sure that you and your readers share that view and ignore the evidence right in front of all of us that the climate crisis is only in its earliest stages and in the next decade or two we will see drought storms and extreme weather much worse than anything humanity has experienced before.

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Dear Herb,

I am pasting a response to a reader named Lynn who messaged me personally. I strongly suggest you reconsider your words I believe you made in ignorance, and I forgive you for openly misrepresenting me. Where did I say I hate migrants? A personal friend of Trump told me he blamed Pharma openly for what happened with the scamdemic. I actually trust the comment. I know his ex wife Marla Maples. She has told me the same thing. I also know that Bill Clinton and even Barak Obama deported a ton of illegal immigrants, and I bet you don't even know about it. Only Trump gets damned for what other Democratic presidents have already done in spades. But the corrupt press has not told you about it.

I am not endorsing Trump. I leave that to RFK, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. But I do connect dots and can see that the President does not control or run the country. We have had a senile president for over 3 years, well hidden by the corrupt press and the current candidate of that party. Can you not connect dots?

I agree with Trump that the Deep State is behind the scenes and manipulates you and about half of America. Regarding Trump's failures - many. But he was not given any opportunity to do what he was elected to do. . He was a right about COVID and "bleach", but he was nuked by the corrupt press for raising it as he was ignorant of all the facts right about it, and could have deferred to me or others like me.

The Deep State run press attacked him even before he took office and came forward with EVIL accusations we now know were not just false but lies, such as the Steele dossier. Trump was never given a chance by the Deep State. That is why they are so terrified of a re-election and will stop at nothing, including assassination, to stop him. Some have said the assassin should have aimed better. That is the state of affairs we live in today. So here is what I sent to Lynn:

"Thank you Lynn. Please respond to Herb’s comments. He thinks I hate immigrants. I do not. I believe in the Rule of Law. I am the grandson of immigrants, and Terri IS an immigrant. All done legally.

I am in favor of immigration - LEGAL, vetted, people who can contribute to America or are truly fleeing danger. I, a natural born American, feel danger from the current corrupt policies of RULERS who are openly violating their oath to the Constitution and laws of the nation. I fear for my economic survival from Rulers who are attempting to eviscerate the first amendment, which, so far, is enabling this column, which the reader may benefit from. I have been damaged by the government’s violative support of censorship on social media. We are going down fast, due to lines of thought like his. We are faced with a cancer within our government. People don’t know they have cancer until it produces symptoms. The symptoms now are really clear. Sadly, though, so many Americans are under the spell of the cancer that they cannot see it eviscerating them, as cancers within the body do, and when they wake up to it, it is far, far too late.

We don’t have Rule of Law at the southern border. "

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Respectfully Herb…you have ‘drank’ the proverbial ‘climate change’ kool aid, lock, stock and barrel. (Ooos you’re probably one of those types against the 2A as well.)

Climate change is one giant ‘grift’ for the people involved in promoting it and the need to move into ‘green energy’! Carbon emissions did not cause Hurricane Helene to do the damage in FL/NC/SC/TN/GA. It was cloud seeding and geo-engineering of the weather that created the storm to turn and stall over western NC. As a penance to your thinking, you might want to go to donate to the reputable non profits who are helping people in the area, like Samaritan’s Purse. (No Red Cross donations, the one of the Major Grifter Relief Organizations!)

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I enjoy Dr. Rowen’s posts about health as well. However, political activities dictate and sabotage the health of this nation and we are at a very tense time in history. One thing the history has taught me is that when faced with a crisis or a threat of one ( whether it’s political, economical, military or medical), the humanity oriented minds use their “ platforms” and privileges of access to information as well as intellectual abilities to process and synthesize the info to then educate and protect their people. I hope you can see it.

Further, acts of God such as floods have been happening as long as all of us here can remember. The government should have had emergency funds allocated for such circumstances, period. It’s the government’s job to protect and support its people especially if the funds come from the taxes these people pay! A similar situation is happening in my home country. South of Poland is flooded and the federal- level politician ( the one in bed with Germany) has openly stated that this is not his problem. He told the people to blame their local major. ( Ironic because the flood was hugely caused by the massive amounts of water coming down the Odra River - in the direction from Germany to Poland). You are telling us to blame the opposite party for lying about the climate change? It’s not the climate change but rather the corrupted and sociopathic politicians that are the issue here. They have failed their duty as elected officials to protect the people they have accepted the responsibility to protect and represent. It’s an act of betrayal.

Finally, I am an immigrant and have never felt any anti- immigrants vibes in the author’s posts here.

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FEMA is also in the business of coddling illegals. It runs the Shelter and Services Program that pays for “humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants following their release from the Department of Homeland Security.”

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Save your breath. FEMA saying it’s broke and a Cuban in charge of our well being & safety isn’t misplaced anger.

Tell that to the people who lost loved ones murdered by illegals, it’s almost weekly now. It’s typical for a YOU a Democrat to tell others their views “are off” or wrong”

You have zero understanding of others. Americans have been the most tolerant and it’s killing us.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Herb - you accuse Dr Rowen of being captured by the right wing when you are obviously even more captured by the left.

Two points …

There is are many climate related topics that corporate media does not report on so I will cut you some slack in that you may not even be aware of natural disasters like

https://research.noaa.gov/2023/12/20/hunga-tonga-2022-eruption/ that may be contributing to climate change rather than man made. Also read up on the massive solar flares we’ve recently experienced. Follow the money - lots of folks getting rich off the climate grift.

I am voting on a number of issues but first and foremost is the damage the democrats are wrecking on children on many fronts — most egregious is the mutilating irreversible surgeries being performed on minors under the guise of gender “affirming” care. This is akin to lobotomies which were barbaric and were finally shut down.

The democrats have lost their soul by advocating for policies like that … i could go on but I don’t think you would listen.

Dr Rowen is right to be angry - it’s a righteous anger for the people that are being harmed from policies that are not only not solving problems but are creating more messes. Yours seems to be a political anger and a personal one against Trump who is far from perfect but is definitely the lesser of two evils imho.

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FEMA recommends a report by the NAACP called “In the Eye of the Storm: A people’s guide to transforming crisis & advancing equity in the disaster continuum.” This means white poor or working class people last. It’s part of Harris agenda and easily confirmed should you wish to do so. It’s all online but democrats now aren’t interested in going outside their information bubble. I was once one of you, I believe the media. Now I see how much they lie and hide.

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Climate has been changing all through history of humanity... cycles are in everything... nothing new... we are in a cycle of global cooling... natural phenomenon. ( can read Armstrong economics blog ) What is UN-natural are directed energy weapons used ( Paradise, then Hawaii ) what a " surprise" - free-est state of US where half of NYC has migrated... where there is NO income tax gets hit w massive hurricane.... no doubt smth will come out regarding this hurricane... Check out Texan lawsuit TJ vs Garland ..regarding US agencies AGAINST American people...NOT Republicans ! to assume that US President is in charge of all these atrocities is incorrect.. who is Really governing this country, i dont know... but i surely noticed.. Presidents Change... foreign policy remains the same... remember historic words of President Kennedy that got him killed... Trump came to WH and after visit by B. Gates... things changed, i recall re Kennedy heading department dealing w vaccinations.... this type of thing is all over... President seems to be a PR man... Common Law was the foundation of this country... when was it stolen??? Look into it, Americans ! history has it that your taxes are voluntary.. did u know that?

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For what it's worth, hurricanes tend to be worse when it is cooler and better when it is warmer.

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