Outstanding, Dr Rowen. Thoughtful and so very concise. Thank you.

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Truth. Everything you said. Thank you.

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This was a piece filled with truth. The West wants war and they will have it. God bless us all.

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This is Old Testament rules of food guidance, however, in the New Testament those restrictions were lifted when God said to Peter what He has blessed, do not condemn. The lesson being that what is in our heart is what defiles us. Mark 7:19.

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If you ask a rabbi why Jews follow the dietary laws, he will not say it is because of safety and cleanliness, but because it is commanded by God. One reason I heard for not mixing meat and milk or dairy products, including eggs, is that is disrespectful to the animal to eat both its flesh and it's products of procreation at the same time. I don't think that quite makes sense, because why would it then be OK to eat them separately.

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Thank you. I have thought the same.

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As always, you speak the truth!!!



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Thank you for the article and the advice.

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