Thank you Dr. Rowen! I 100% agree with you on your comments about Bobby Kennedy. I have had half a dozen face to face conversations with him since February and shared a private dinner with him together with our wives recently. That provided me an opportunity to discuss in detail many issues over an hour and a half long including discourse about the Hamas invasion, Ukraine war, China/Taiwan take over, USA open border, vaccines, abortion, corporate capture of our government, poisonous food supply, and what he stated as the biggest existential issue facing our country- our national debt and how we have 10 years remaining until the total collapse of our economy takes place because of this growing debt mainly created by both of the last 2 administrations. He never said a disparaging word about Trump or Biden, instead he identified the problems, prioritized them and offered detailed plans on how to solve them. You just don’t hear this from our other political options.

Since the abortion issue was mentioned by a fellow follower, I would like to mention that she likely does not have the full and updated opinion of RFk jr. What he told me was that he is a constitution absolutist and how that applies to abortion is that the federal government does not have any right to decide medical choices for anyone. The individual States must decide one by one their own policy. He also stated that personally he is against abortion and each one is a tragic decision, that said, the constitution must prevail and federal government must not dictate health decisions. As part of the solutions mentioned he told me that he would create new programs that help women make a decision to keep the unborn baby. I won’t go into to details that he did in order to avoid the lengthy discourse needed to fully explain his opinion. I do ask that everyone stop listening to legacy media’s version of him and instead actually listen to him and his current words. Yes, he is capable of change. He is rare in the fact that he has gone on record saying that his opinions have changed and will change again once he is provided data and real reason to influence opinion. Yes, he has stated in the past that he supports abortions even until full term. However, he now states that this was a flawed interpretation of the constitution and agrees there should be limits in place on when abortion can take place. That said, he will never say that a women should not have a choice regardless of pregnancy term or situation for that would be a clear violation of medical freedom.

Lastly, I will say that this abortion issue will not matter if we continue on the course we are on created by both administrations. Our country has never been as threatened as we are now. I ask that you watch the “meet Bobby Kennedy” video. That will provide a truthful narrative of who this man is. If after watching that you feel he is not worthy of your vote then please by all means vote elsewhere. Thank you for taking the time to read this and more so for watching his introduction video on you tube:


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I just wish he’d protect the right to life of every member of the human family.

Is turning your back on our youngest brothers and sisters what it takes to win?

What kind of victory is it when you support shedding innocent human blood?

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seems to me... Presidents change but foreign policy does not... who is really in charge ? very sad state of affairs. It took 3% in 1776? military are an important part of victory... but instead some parts of military engage in criminal assaults in civilians... called targeting.. sept will bring decision by US Supreme Court in this matter... all little parts matter... US role in war in Uk : https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/ukraine-on-fire/ US is a party to every foreign conflict and YOUR TAXES PAY for murders around the Planet...makes me always wonder about Karmic implications of that : https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/did-socrates-predict-the-2014-gaza-war/ WHO IS REALLY IN CHARGE ?

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I have benefited from acupuncture for migraines. Crazy that the government would rather you take pharmaceuticals that you may get addicted to.

RFK spoke like a true Libertarian. A small percentage of the delegates nominated him for president. If he made it to the executive office I would not complain. I like that he is anti-VAX. I’ll be voting for our candidate Chase Oliver. Good luck to both of them. God help this country.

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The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals just ruled that the lower court erred in dismissing the case of the Mayo employees who were terminated for invoking their religious exemptions for the shots and for the testing.

A sanguine beginning?

Thank you for your wonderful articles!

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May 28·edited May 28

I just by chance came up on this study--the authors claims no funding and no conflict of interest. Is it accurate, and does that mean ivermectin would be safer than hydroxychloroquine?


Deaths induced by compassionate use of hydroxychloroquine during the first COVID-19 wave: an estimate


Hydroxychloroquine was prescribed in hospitalised patients with Covid-19 despite of the low-level evidence.

Subsequently, HCQ use was associated with an 11% increase in the mortality rate in a meta-analysis of randomized trials.

The number of hydroxychloroquine related deaths in hospitalised patients is estimated at 16,990 in six countries.

These findings illustrate the hazard of drug repurposing with low-level evidence for the management of future pandemics.

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HCQ has some toxicity, especially with longer term use. I think ivermectin is safer, but I am not an expert here.

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I really like Rfk Jr but he is unfortunately owned by Israel just like the rest of them.

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There's one or more in every crowd.

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