Dr. Rowen, is there a particular nebulizer that is recommend to Ozonate Glycerin?

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we have no specific recommendation here.

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Here's my .02$

Use a nebulizer that can produce a fine mist (high atomization , small particle size). The hand held one piece units usually lack the pump pressure (compressor) to produce a fine spray. The desk top units usually produce a finer mist. I personally own several and my go to unit is the Pari Trek.


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Thank you for your response. Does your Pari Trek have model number? I went to your link, and it shows many nebulizers with different micron outputs. How do I determine the best?

Can ozone help with Type II diabetes?

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The smaller the micron size, the deeper it can be inhaled in the lungs.

The "best one" can be debated and depends on the variables you find important. I appreciate one that is quiet and produces a fine mist. I like the Pari Trek S Compact. It's a small foot print, quiet and can be run on D/C. Model number 047B1000. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGahbLOFewM

"Can ozone help with Type II diabetes?" Yes, but my question is....In what way will OG effect blood glucose levels and will it effect the A1C ???

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Ozone is reported to help diabetes. But no experience with OG. And, Typre I will be much more difficult than Type II.

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Once again, we need to be specific, please.

Mary's protocol......?

1) What strength (dilution ratio or percentage) of fully ozonated glycerin (FSOG) is Mary nebuilizing 2x/day ?

2) Is she nebulizing with a face mask and inhaling through her nose as well?

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From a later post from Dr. Rowan.....

"For nebulization, our TB like infected patient has nebulized a 1:20 solution and done great. "

1:20 = 5% solution

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Robert, please see this Note I published this morning and let me know if you think this treatment (or an alternative) would work for my mom's life-threatening pseudomonas aeruginosa:


She is about to start on Cipro tomorrow, and I am desperately trying to find an alternative because I am terrified of the horrible side effects. The problem is it would need to be available very quickly because her condition needs immediate treatment. Thank you so much.

Please message me on Substack to communicate privately, and I can let you know my email. Thank you.

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I replied privately to you. Thank you.

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Thank you so much, Robert. I really appreciate it.

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