1. Deadly and "Untreatable" TB Like Lung Infection and Ozonated Glycerin. 2. The Misguided Conventional "Wisdom" on the Failure of our Corrupt Disease Care System.
#132 2024 The Rowen Report
Dear Subscriber,
First, I want to alert you to our very first patient where we used ozonated glycerin. The patient has a most severe kind of lung infection – Mycobacterium abscessus, a cousin of TB which is far harder to treat. In fact, her conventional docs gave up on her. This really nasty bug lives up to its name causing serious cavitations (abscesses) in lungs. Her scans show her lung(s) riddled with disease. Please visit her short story here. It is very heartwarming in this cold holiday season. It also fits right in with the meat of today’s post below.
USA Today had a spiffy report to tell you “Seven reasons why Americans pay more for health care than any other nation.” Here are the reasons:
1. Lack of Price Limits
2. Hospitals and doctors get paid for services, not outcomes.
3. Specialists get paid much more and want to keep it that way
4. Administrative costs inflate health care costs.
5. Health care pricing is a mystery
6. Americans pay more for drugs than people in other wealthy countries.
7. Private equity – profit motive for the wealthy in charge of insurance and programs.
This is a good read. I agree with some of it and vehemently disagree with the overall synopsis. I disagree with his “price limits”, “specialist pay”, mystery of health care pricing.
I totally agree with the problem of the corrupt system paying for services, not outcomes. THAT is the key issue. I have repeatedly offered to have our office patients treated at no cost for no good outcome. But with good outcome, pay us what insurance would otherwise pay for conventional approaches, including specialists, drugs, surgery, etc.
Private equity, for profit motives, is another key issue, but folds into the key problem I will address. The issues of specialist pay and drug costs are moot. If the system addressed healing rather then smothering symptoms with damaging chemicals, these (specialist pay and drug costs) wouldn’t even factor in. Consider our serious lung infection above, failing at the hands of highly paid infectious disease and lung “specialists”. Administrative costs are ridiculous, but could, with my system, be cut off at the knees. Health care pricing? Drug costs? Read on.
Suppose your car got 5 mpg instead of the expected 30 mpg. You take it to a mechanic. He blames the carburetor. Claims he fixed it (service). Charges you. Car does not run any better. No good outcome.
You take it to the next “specialist”. He says timing is off, “repairs” it and charges you. Car now gets 5.1 mpg. Bad outcome. Next “specialist” says you need new spark plugs. You pay for this service. Car now gets 5.15 mpg. Poor outcome. Your wallet is thinning very fast. Next one says your oil is old. The oil is changed. No change in mpg, bad outcome. Next specialist says you need compression testing and goes after that aspect. Now your car barely starts. Injury outcome. So you go to a fuel line specialist and he replaces what he claims is a dirty line. Again, no good outcome. The next says it it bad “timing” for ignition. Allegedly “fixes” it. No improvement, wallet lighter, and worse, you blow a gasket.
But now where do you go? The government has given a monopoly to “licensed” car repairmen who are trained with the fanciest of equipment costing a boat load of cash which must be paid for.
Finally, you take it to someone with common sense. He simply looks at your tires and sees the pressure is about 5 PSI. For a few dollars he actually heals the problem and your car now runs smoothly and gets your desired 30 mpg.
Your body is a biological engine/machine. (I am not minimizing the mind and spiritual aspects of healing here, just addressing the physical, as does Western corrupt medicine). It needs what God mandated for it to run, and needs to be free and/or cleaned of the toxins man has dumped onto the formerly pristine planet.
Hypertension and vascular disease are diseases of rotten diet and toxins. Take a drug, and get a side effect (like impotence) requiring yet more drugs. Brain rot – the same. Inflammation, a combination of many factors including lack of nutrition, excess toxins, hidden infection, stress, etc. Take a NSAID drug and burn a hole in your gut, creating direct damages from bogus treatments. Depression – lack of neurotransmitters that could be fixed by dietary precursors and nutrients rather than synthetic chemicals that addict you.
I have repeatedly asked in this and other forums for a member to name a synthetic petrochemical pharmaceutical that actually cures any disease. (Leave out antibiotics on this one, but even they are badly failing now.)
All we did for the lady with deadly lung infection was to address the infection with immune system boosting natural agents and a safe method of oxidation therapy directed towards the lungs, and which uses similar methods to disable or kill invading organisms as do our own white blood cells. The exorbitantly paid “specialists” would have cost the system hundreds of thousands for this lady only to see her die gasping for air – paid for a bad outcome. I can’t say we can or will cure her, but I believe we can and will help give her a life where she has a high-quality life, possibly able to live with a stable condition.
RFK, Jr gets it. We may actually have a chance if the blood money bazillions of Satanic Pharma does not smother his (and Trump’s) efforts to Make America Healthy Again. I do hope I get to be part of the process. I think I have a lot to offer, and if not me, someone with background like me. I want to make a good living, like all of us. But for fair and honest work. I cannot be bought otherwise, for it would be akin to selling my soul. I believe all drugs have a time and place. But at about 1-5% of the times and places used in today’s disease maintenance paradigm, which would not survive in a truly free market where success is rewarded.
Please share this post. It should give desperately needed hope to many people suffering from lung and other infections, and hopefully help this page grow. I believe we could save most people from superbug infection for a mere fraction of the cost of the purveyors of death and injury paid out only to see the patient perish. Sharing these posts will help spread the word and garner a positive demand for change that might overcome the diabolical efforts of Pharma to enslave your body (pharm your body for profit).
To Your Excellent Health and Healing,
Robert Jay Rowen, MD
PS Our office is open for the next two weeks with ancillary staff, but no new patients till next month. We are fortunate to be on a roll now with some newly learned therapies for pain, infection, and immune boosting, which therapies are relatively inexpensive and highly effective.
Dr. Rowen, is there a particular nebulizer that is recommend to Ozonate Glycerin?
Once again, we need to be specific, please.
Mary's protocol......?
1) What strength (dilution ratio or percentage) of fully ozonated glycerin (FSOG) is Mary nebuilizing 2x/day ?
2) Is she nebulizing with a face mask and inhaling through her nose as well?