One must always remember there is a darker, more sinister agenda at hand here; much darker than what meets the eye.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

My AT&T landline, POTS, copper, Public Switched Network, that is, went out again yesterday evening. Granted there had been heavy rains and a tornado warning in the county, but the storm had passed our earlier. It's been going out like once every month or two lately. I use my landline for my main number. When I call repair, I get an automated system after hours and estimates of several days before it is fixed, although sometimes it's fixed the next day. The recording reminds you that if the trouble is in your indoor wiring or your equipment there will be an $85 service charge. That was a big scam when they broke up Ma Bell and charged monthly for a service plan for that without people signing up for it. I discovered it fairly early and took it off my account, but there was later a class action lawsuit against AT&T. In my adult life when I would be responsible for the phone bills, the problem has never been indoor wiring. In that disclaimer they are still making the announcement that someone should be there in case they need to get in the house, but to protect their workers and everyone involved, pandemic procedures need to be followed: 6 feet distancing; I think they said masking, etc. It's so outdated but they still have it in their automated system. And this is in Florida.

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Science is never settled. As humanity wakes up to the minute order of the universe, what was true yesterday may have new discoveries/understandings as things continue to unravel. What looks like chaos on the surface has a very grand and organized order to each component. We are constantly learning. Woe to those who present themselves as experts in science and are doomed to cause harm in the name of money and power. To quote an ancient biblical adage: Thinking themselves to wise, they became as fools instead."

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