Dr Rowen, I appreciate your insights!! Regarding the Chase/Mercola debacle, we the people should close all Chase accounts, either discontinue using or terminate bank accounts and credit cards if at all possible.

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That is a great idea!!! A NECESSARY idea.

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I sold all of my shares in JPMorgan Chase because the bank was foolishly investing in

more costly "renewable sources of energy though there was neither a logical nor scientific reason for doing so.

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Sadly, Chase is following the narrative. Smart of you to pull away.

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Better make sure you don't surrender the second amendment when that happens.

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Thank you for reporting these issues of abuse from corporations. We must all stand together during these unsettling times.

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I see this differently. It's a trial run for when they plan to come after the rest of us (non-vaxxed).

It is imperative that we work together to ensure a different result.


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I witnessed a FEW brave nurses risk their jobs, stand up to doctors, refuse medication orders, protest on the streets and speak at city hall...The problem is, no one can see or hear. It's like some kind of strange spell...

Most medical professionals however, "just follow orders"...

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Off topic, but hugely important...

Dr. Bhakdi


His short paper is going to be translated very soon.

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