Jul 18·edited Jul 18

My Mom got the shingles vaccine and still got shingles and had neuropathy for the rest of her life. We managed the pain but she still got shingles. I would not get it but I have seen both sides and leave it to each person to decide. That said, I have no faith in any vaccine or anything the government or big pharma says on the subject. The Covid debacle has educated me in a sad and profound way.

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these are just facts no egzageration ......my 55year old friend got shingles on the half of belly and back ... strapped aloe vera night and day on shingles blisters... pain stopped in hours ,after week no shingles no scars... same thing to another 90year old family friend . then another friend had recuring shingles in her left eye ,,, put on aloe vera fresh gell over night , woke up in morning with left eye full of puss and mucus , washed the the gunk from eye , shingles gone ... my 90 year old auntee got shingles on half of belly and back ,blisters were starting to heal strapped on with aloe vera ,,, then a doctor gave her a shingles drug injection , which stopped the healing and made her allergic to aloe vera... and never healed for over a year of pain , then slowly healed . thank you good God

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Please look here. If you find some disturbing information, please let me know. It claims to be randomized and placebo controlled. Thank you for asking.

I want all here to know that I am not telling anyone to get the vaccine. I have major concerns about it. But having lived through the nightmare of the disease process, I am very empathetic to considerations for anything that might mitigate the suffering. I had a major advantage over most people, having direct access to the best integrative therapies possible for it. So that is also part of my considerations for others.

2. Cunningham AL, Lal H, Kovac M, et al, ZOE-70 Study Group. Efficacy of the herpes zoster subunit vaccine in adults 70 years of age or older. N Engl J Med. 2016;375(11):1019-1032. 3. Strezova A, Diez-Domingo J, Al Shawafi K, et al. Zoster-049 Study Group. Long-term protection against herpes zoster by the adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine: interim efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety results up to 10 years after initial vaccination. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2022;9(10):ofac485. doi:10.1093/ofid/ofac485 4. Data on file. 2022N518954_00;1-2. 5. Boutry C, Hastie A, Diez-Domingo J, et al; Zoster-049 Study Group. The adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine confers long-term protection against herpes zoster: interim results of an extension study of the pivotal phase 3 clinical trials ZOE-50 and ZOE-70. Clin Infect Dis. 2022;74(8):1459-1467. doi:10.1093/cid/ciab629. 6. Lal H, Cunningham AL, Godeaux O, et al. ZOE-50 Study Group. Efficacy of an adjuvanted herpes zoster subunit vaccine in older adults. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(22):2087-2096. 7. Data on file. Study 113077 (NCT01165229). GSK Study Register. Study entry at: https://www.gskstudyregister.com/en/trialdetails/?id=113077.

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It is the Guillain Barre Syndrome that I am most concerned about. And why I won't get it myself. An individual needs to weigh that risk against the suffering that could be mitigated. Now that we have peripheral therapy, I am more concerned about the risk of GBS than the symptoms of shingles.

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The VA keeps pestering me to get the shingles vaccines.

And, I keep telling them that the shingles vaccine has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS).

One time I saw a medical resident at the VA and she told me that GBS was treatable.

I was stunned into silence. If I would have had my wits about me I would have asked her:

What part is treatable?

The autoimmune part.

The partial paralysis part.

The complete paralysis part where I end up in a nursing home wearing a diaper, eating mashed up food, and wishing for death to put me out of my misery.

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"The Shingrex vaccine protects for about 7 years."

I guarantee it doesn't protect at all.

That isn't to say that the vaccine has no effects. It maims and kills. As do all vaccines these days.

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It has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

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Please explain how you can guarantee that this shingrex vaccine has no protection. Thank you in advance. This is the only vax I am considering and very happy I went against main stream and did not get the covid jab for myself and kids. Wife got the covid jab and we have seen unexplained issues with her since. She also had the worst symptoms when she got covid…. Go figure….

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Thank you for reaching out, Mr. Levy! Glad to hear you and kids bucked the propaganda!

No vaccines have ever offered any protection. Shingrix is no different.

Viruses don't even exist as most believe them to. Instead, what are called viruses are dead cell debris and fragments. We don't blame firefighters for the fires they are putting out; we shouldn't blame dead cell debris when we are experiencing a detox event.

Side note if you still need convincing: If you don't want to risk getting polio (Guillain-Barre Syndrome), then don't take Shingrix. Or any other vaccine. From the insert, below:

"5.2 Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)

In a postmarketing observational study, an increased risk of GBS was observed during the

42 days following vaccination with SHINGRIX [see Adverse Reactions (6.2)]. "

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Well..... we must recall that a good many of Trump's cabinet proved to be less than stellar. My priority in backing someone is -- who will give me the best environment to live in peace and flourish, and the freedom to pursue life as I want.

I used to subscribe to your printed newsletter yrs ago -- still found some in my filing cabinet. Glad to find you again!

Re shingles - did you try dmso with anything? Idoxuridine and dmso is used in the EU but I always wonder if we could use dmso safely with natural things like fresh aloe?

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I was not pleased with his cabinet or many of his other choices, though his Supreme Court picks have given us good rulings on pulling back the administrative state. I don't think Trump realized the extent and depth of the infection of the Deep State. Perhaps he is wiser now. We do have a third choice that the press is ignoring, deliberately?

I did not use DMSO with my rash. I like DMSO, but in my case, it is rather drying to my skin. My skin was itchy enough with the shingles. Thank you for your compliments.

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Hey Doc there are many things I disagree with you about ( a few ;) , but just because you give some facts or an opinion on a certain subject doesn't mean that I will unsubscribe and miss all the important or pertinent info that your News Letter has. For that matter why would I even argue about something? I can just be civil and listen and filter it out as a grown Adult should be able to do and maybe counter with my opinion and move on . I guess we all have our own line in the sand and If they are that offended they should move on. I think I would as well if something that was that important to me .

So far so good ;)

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WIse words. Thank you. In the past, we used to be able to share opinions and cheerfully agree to disagree. Now with the type of programming I ascribe to "Leftism", it is much harder to be cheerful in our disagreements.

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The covid DeathVax can also trigger shingles.

Reported to VAERS by the folks who actually made the connection.

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Look for

Lauricidin -

by Med-Chem Labs, Inc.

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can you please site the long-term, double-blind, placebo-based, independent study which documents the 7 year efficacy of this shingles jab?

the shingles shot should be a hard no for everyone - especially those who read this substack.

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Please look here. If you find some disturbing information, please let me know. It claims to be randomized and placebo controlled. Thank you for asking.

I want all here to know that I am not telling anyone to get the vaccine. I have major concerns about it. But having lived through the nightmare of the disease process, I am very empathetic to considerations for anything that might mitigate the suffering. I had a major advantage over most people, having direct access to the best integrative therapies possible for it. So that is also part of my considerations for others.

2. Cunningham AL, Lal H, Kovac M, et al, ZOE-70 Study Group. Efficacy of the herpes zoster subunit vaccine in adults 70 years of age or older. N Engl J Med. 2016;375(11):1019-1032. 3. Strezova A, Diez-Domingo J, Al Shawafi K, et al. Zoster-049 Study Group. Long-term protection against herpes zoster by the adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine: interim efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety results up to 10 years after initial vaccination. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2022;9(10):ofac485. doi:10.1093/ofid/ofac485 4. Data on file. 2022N518954_00;1-2. 5. Boutry C, Hastie A, Diez-Domingo J, et al; Zoster-049 Study Group. The adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine confers long-term protection against herpes zoster: interim results of an extension study of the pivotal phase 3 clinical trials ZOE-50 and ZOE-70. Clin Infect Dis. 2022;74(8):1459-1467. doi:10.1093/cid/ciab629. 6. Lal H, Cunningham AL, Godeaux O, et al. ZOE-50 Study Group. Efficacy of an adjuvanted herpes zoster subunit vaccine in older adults. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(22):2087-2096. 7. Data on file. Study 113077 (NCT01165229). GSK Study Register. Study entry at: https://www.gskstudyregister.com/en/trialdetails/?id=113077.

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this is the clinical trial info - manipulated data from the manufacturer to sell a product to a vulnerable population.

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Thank you for the info regarding shingles treatments.

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