My Granddaughter works in a day care center which we know is a disease factory. She got vaccinated and a jab. Has caught Covid seven, that’s right, 7 times. So much for “you can’t get it.
Some states that are not doing well economically, such as West Virginia, decided years ago that one way to increase revenue was to open landfills and take the trash from other states. The only benefit is tapping these sites for natural gas. We live in a world that has fallen for "Out of sight, out of mind." Nobody thinks of the consequences on our underground water supply. Nobody thinks about trash because a truck comes, takes it away, and we never see it again.
I think every state should have to deal with their own trash. We need to come up with better ways of disposing it. In Europe they incinerate their trash. Here, we bury it. If a good, safe way exists to incinerate and recycle trash exists, we need to embrace it. If not, maybe there should be a greater focus on that.
Bobby has already done far more than suffer from the Semmelweis Reflex because he actively threatens the corruption of our shadow government, the medical industrial complex.
This is far worse for them than the humiliatingly obvious and dramatic success of handwashing for preserving the lives of individual patients. From Wiki, "Semmelweis allegedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum by his colleagues. In the asylum, he was beaten by the guards. He died 14 days later from a gangrenous wound on his right hand that may have been caused by the beating."
So if handwashing inspired this sort of behavior, I can only imagine what Bobby is going to face in the intended process of dismantling their corruption on a systemic level. Historically, this is the predictable culmination of a very old and filthy scam that can only be understood as the worst genocide in human history.
It needs a good wash at a minimum, but I don't think the demon wants a bath.
Item 3: Dr. are most welcome to pass on all the information if requested to Mr. Kennedy. Right now, at this very moment, with unrealistic blasts, DISINFORMATION coming from the TV on how to prevent the death caused by a melanoma, and fund raising to discover the 'cure' for melanoma. This fakery has to stop. Proving that correct science, if any, has never been done on it. Queensland is the capitol of the world for skin cancer. Skin cancer, melanomas from sunburn etc.!!! However, this is incorrect. A melanoma is the very first sign/symptom of arsenic poisoning. The very first sign/symptom of arsenic poisoning is a skin rash.....people go off to their doctor and the doctor calls it dermatitis and recommends a cream. Following this comes a melanoma....the doctor recommends it to removed. Symptoms - arsenic goes to the head....then hair starts to fall is then called 'age,' hair falling out. You get what is called 'garlic breath' and the muscles in your arms start to ache, like a day working out in the garden. No one takes any notice of it....hoping these 'everyday' symptoms will go away....but they don't, by this stage the arsenic poisoning has become deadly and has moved into the lungs and then down into the lower organs of the body. The symptoms have been there...and the melanoma put down to skin cancer....removing the melanoma won't stop or cure the arsenic poisoning. The very first thing that should be done is to have a urine and blood heavy metal blood test (avoiding eating fish for 3 days before the test). Many years back I lived on the Gold Coast in Queensland. I got a melanoma on my arm. I went to a few doctors and told them that I had arsenic poisoning. I was laughed at, mocked and ignored. I had the symptoms of arsenic poisoning, I had the melanoma, garlic breath and the muscles in my upper arms were aching. I went to a pathologist to get a blood test....they had never heard of much so, the pathologists had to look up a book!! I had the melanoma the Skin Cancer Clinic they made a joke of my diagnosis....their adamant belief that the sun caused the melanoma. With no medical assistance and knowing that I was right on my diagnosis of heavy metals, I did my own research. I discovered the arsenic was coming from the dam water and coming from the lining of the kitchen pipes.....I eventually cured myself, I cleaned the arsenic out of my system. And I still have regular blood tests. Now 10 years later, only this week, 'they' have discovered that people from the Brisbane area are coming down sick from the water supply.....they 'won't' get to the bottom of their illness being arsenic poisoning. Two years after a cyclone there will be a cancer cluster. The arsenic poisoning symptoms will be there, but people and the doctors don't know the symptoms of arsenic poisoning and within two years the cancer will occur.....called a cancer cluster. During the time of the cyclone/flooding, people are continually told on TV to boil their water. This is the very worst they can do, because boiling the water will increase the arsenic levels. BOILING WATER INCREASES THE ARSENIC LEVELS. It might kill the bacteria in the water, but it increases the arsenic. You can tell the TV stations and tell people not to boil the water but they don't listen....within two years there is a cancer cluster...And here we go again this weekend raising money for melanoma research!!!
The doctors have to do their research...they have to ask their patient......what job and career do they have, are they involved with heavy metals??? Best to all, Dr. Roslyn Daveney.
Item 2: "Miscarriage:" Women have always been blamed for the miscarriage.....research and truth has come from Adelaide University that the lack of semen, the lack of intimacy during the pregnancy causes the miscarriage.....and efforts have been made to hide this truth. I have interviewed many women who have had a miscarriage and I have asked them, "did you have sexual intercourse with your husband during your pregnancy?" and the reply was unbelievable, they said "NO" they didn't have intercourse with their husbands when they were pregnant. And wives with husbands in the Armed Forces were most at risk. The men making their wives pregnant before they went overseas.....and these wives had no one to comfort them when they did miscarry. These families should be WARNED not to have intercourse that will cause a pregnancy while he is away on Active Duty. But no one warns them because they don't know.
Neither is it healthy for these men to make their wives pregnant before going on Active Duty with so many vaccinations/preservatives/heavy metals in their system. One man told me that he had 17 vaccinations, no brain can take that. Many of these men are laid up in bed they are so sick from the vaccinations. I also speak from experience. I had no sexual intercourse with my husband during my pregnancy and I lost a baby girl at six months pregnancy and nearly lost my own life. I also speak from experience having a male family member who went overseas and was forced to have the smallpox vaccination, and he had a son born in 1974 who became Gay. Mercury wasn't removed until 1986. I tell men, "your sperm is not in a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX"'s down there with everything else. I have always questioned....women are always 'on watch' when they are pregnant, always 'on watch' what they do and always 'on watch' what they if they are always 'on watch' then they cannot be causing these miscarriages and other health issues in their babies?? Men arrive back from Active Duty and end up suiciding or on a psychiatrist's couch filled with more medication that will 'blow his brain.' The brain is not supposed to take this, the brain cannot take it. I can CURE every returned veteran without medication. But BIGPHARMA have such a hold on prescribing drugs/medication for these men....and making a fortune out of it. Again and again, it crosses the threshold of the sperm during the sperm's replication the psychiatrists are not so SMART. These men have so much poison/heavy metals in their brains (and semen).....the 'brain blows' it has its consequences. BIGPHARM being UNREALISTIC and BIGPHARMA not investigating it, sticking to the "The Biggest Lie in History that Created its own EVOLUTION." End Item 2. Dr. Roslyn Daveney.
Dear Dr. Robert, you asked me for more information to be able to give to Mr. Kennedy if requested. It has to be broken up because the 'comment' was too long.
Item 1: This is a life's work for me. Let's start at the 2nd World War. Millions of the military were forced to have a smallpox jab before going overseas. Mercury was not taken out of the smallpox vaccination until 1986. This smallpox vaccination was also a regulation for travellers, travelling overseas. Saying this with a lot of respect, more Gay men were born at this time than ever before. Mercury in the vaccination has a lot to do with it. I have asked Gay men born from this era, did your father have a smallpox vaccination and all of them came back with the same reply, 'yes.' Then we had the Vietnam War.....Agent Orange! That was a tragedy. Military men who had sex with the Vietnamese women, had babies so deformed that the children were hidden away in special homes out of people's sight. These military men returned home to America and when having children with their wives, again, there were very sick children. And it wasn't the wife's came from the heavy metals/vaccinations and the Agent Orange having crossed the threshold of the sperm during the sperm's replication. I have interviewed many Aussie Vietnam Veterans and asked you have children who are unwell....everyone have said that their children have health issues. Nothing has ever been done about it.
When I wrote my PhD on "Semen" I called it "The Biggest Lie that started an Evolution." This lie that men were squeaky-clean created its own EVOLUTION....even when I wrote this PhD, it was hard for the examiners to accept it...because there was no SCIENTIFIC evidence, no LAB evidence, to back scientist had ever thought to examine it....because the LIE and its EVOLUTION was so big that men were squeaky clean no one questioned it....the examiners were forced to pass it. Dr. Ros Daveney....End No. 1.
I have only finished this week, my own investigation into why 'the world is going crazy' and surprise, surprise, it's actually a Mental Health Issue. Called "Mentally Divided." It's a legitimate mental health condition. "Mentally Divided" - Binary Thinking or "Splitting." Binary thinking, black and white thinking, all-or-nothing thinking, of thinking in the extremes. Thinking in the extremes is the failure in a person's thinking to bring together the dichotomy of both perceived and negative qualities of something into a cohesive, REALISTIC whole.
"Splitting" are common symptoms for people with menta health issues like EUPD also known as borderline disorder BPD.
"Splitting" means to divide something. It causes a person to view everything and everyone in black and white, their Absolute Terms.
I will get shot down for this....Big Pharma have all these identical symptoms...Big Pharma are UNREALISTIC. Thos mandatory vaccinations were UNREALISTIC, the Democrats were UNREALISTIC, what they did to Trump was UNREALISTIC, putting Dr. Robert in jail was UNREALISTIC, millions flooding over the border is UNREALISTIC, climate change is UNREALISTIC, Putin is UNREALISTIC, the Moslems taking over London is UNREALISTIC, Moslems are UNREALISTIC to women and UNREALISTIC to our Christian countries. And that is not racism, it's a legitimate mental illness. It has been UNREALISTIC that Israel is not permitted to stand up for itself. Hitler was UNREALISTIC. It's SPLITTING, Mentally Divided, and going to the EXTREMES....going to the has to be under their ABSOLUTE's a MENTAL's a MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE....this is serious, it's a MENTAL ILLNESS. They are coercive controllers and have no self-control.
We are being invaded by a MENTAL ILLNESS....what is causing this? Is it our diet, is it the food we eat?
I noted that the Bible is a reading that is REALISTIC. The Bible is REALISTIC. Are Christians more REALISTIC than others?? Revelations - will it only be the Christians that will survive this??
Please be careful, if you find people being UNREALISTIC, going to the EXTREMES, and under their ABSOLUTE TERMS towards you, then's a legitimate MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE.
Can someone recover from dementia caused by psychiatric medications? There is a poor lady on another FB page who swears she is doomed because she took these drugs for 25 years. I know there has to be a way to stop the progression even if she doesn’t want to hear it. Thank you!
I have been bothered for years over how we have become a throw away society instead of repairing appliances, etc. When I look in my trash can most of what I see is packaging. I've been convicted over my own laziness in not buying food that is fresh, making sure I don't buy things I don't need, etc.
Back in 1989 I lived on Staten Island and worked for a museum doing historic restoration. Shortly after starting, a coworker said we needed to take some of our construction debris to the landfill. At first, I didn't think much of it until we arrived. The land fill is named "Fresh Kills Landfill." which is sadly but appropriately named. Seagulls flying over it everywhere. Imagine this: All 5 boroughs of NYC have been hauling their trash to this site for 50 years! What doesn't go there is put on barges, taken out to sea, and dumped! When I lived there, the company that was responsible for hauling waste on barges was caught not taking it out as far into the ocean as they were supposed to. Dead fish floating near the inland is what gave them away. Nobody went to prison.
They finally closed the landfill down until 911. The debris from the Trade Center and surrounding area was taken to the Fresh Kills landfill.
The title of your piece could not be further from the truth! Semmelweis Ignác was a thinker and innovator (I am positive that non one here knows much above Semmelweis besides the obvious) while RFK Jr is invested in the 4th Industrial Revolution and is bought up by the Zionists. He's part of the system and the predatory class. Many outstanding researchers have written about this.
My Granddaughter works in a day care center which we know is a disease factory. She got vaccinated and a jab. Has caught Covid seven, that’s right, 7 times. So much for “you can’t get it.
Some states that are not doing well economically, such as West Virginia, decided years ago that one way to increase revenue was to open landfills and take the trash from other states. The only benefit is tapping these sites for natural gas. We live in a world that has fallen for "Out of sight, out of mind." Nobody thinks of the consequences on our underground water supply. Nobody thinks about trash because a truck comes, takes it away, and we never see it again.
I think every state should have to deal with their own trash. We need to come up with better ways of disposing it. In Europe they incinerate their trash. Here, we bury it. If a good, safe way exists to incinerate and recycle trash exists, we need to embrace it. If not, maybe there should be a greater focus on that.
So, no longer "almost Heaven" :-(
Bobby has already done far more than suffer from the Semmelweis Reflex because he actively threatens the corruption of our shadow government, the medical industrial complex.
This is far worse for them than the humiliatingly obvious and dramatic success of handwashing for preserving the lives of individual patients. From Wiki, "Semmelweis allegedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum by his colleagues. In the asylum, he was beaten by the guards. He died 14 days later from a gangrenous wound on his right hand that may have been caused by the beating."
So if handwashing inspired this sort of behavior, I can only imagine what Bobby is going to face in the intended process of dismantling their corruption on a systemic level. Historically, this is the predictable culmination of a very old and filthy scam that can only be understood as the worst genocide in human history.
It needs a good wash at a minimum, but I don't think the demon wants a bath.
Item 3: Dr. are most welcome to pass on all the information if requested to Mr. Kennedy. Right now, at this very moment, with unrealistic blasts, DISINFORMATION coming from the TV on how to prevent the death caused by a melanoma, and fund raising to discover the 'cure' for melanoma. This fakery has to stop. Proving that correct science, if any, has never been done on it. Queensland is the capitol of the world for skin cancer. Skin cancer, melanomas from sunburn etc.!!! However, this is incorrect. A melanoma is the very first sign/symptom of arsenic poisoning. The very first sign/symptom of arsenic poisoning is a skin rash.....people go off to their doctor and the doctor calls it dermatitis and recommends a cream. Following this comes a melanoma....the doctor recommends it to removed. Symptoms - arsenic goes to the head....then hair starts to fall is then called 'age,' hair falling out. You get what is called 'garlic breath' and the muscles in your arms start to ache, like a day working out in the garden. No one takes any notice of it....hoping these 'everyday' symptoms will go away....but they don't, by this stage the arsenic poisoning has become deadly and has moved into the lungs and then down into the lower organs of the body. The symptoms have been there...and the melanoma put down to skin cancer....removing the melanoma won't stop or cure the arsenic poisoning. The very first thing that should be done is to have a urine and blood heavy metal blood test (avoiding eating fish for 3 days before the test). Many years back I lived on the Gold Coast in Queensland. I got a melanoma on my arm. I went to a few doctors and told them that I had arsenic poisoning. I was laughed at, mocked and ignored. I had the symptoms of arsenic poisoning, I had the melanoma, garlic breath and the muscles in my upper arms were aching. I went to a pathologist to get a blood test....they had never heard of much so, the pathologists had to look up a book!! I had the melanoma the Skin Cancer Clinic they made a joke of my diagnosis....their adamant belief that the sun caused the melanoma. With no medical assistance and knowing that I was right on my diagnosis of heavy metals, I did my own research. I discovered the arsenic was coming from the dam water and coming from the lining of the kitchen pipes.....I eventually cured myself, I cleaned the arsenic out of my system. And I still have regular blood tests. Now 10 years later, only this week, 'they' have discovered that people from the Brisbane area are coming down sick from the water supply.....they 'won't' get to the bottom of their illness being arsenic poisoning. Two years after a cyclone there will be a cancer cluster. The arsenic poisoning symptoms will be there, but people and the doctors don't know the symptoms of arsenic poisoning and within two years the cancer will occur.....called a cancer cluster. During the time of the cyclone/flooding, people are continually told on TV to boil their water. This is the very worst they can do, because boiling the water will increase the arsenic levels. BOILING WATER INCREASES THE ARSENIC LEVELS. It might kill the bacteria in the water, but it increases the arsenic. You can tell the TV stations and tell people not to boil the water but they don't listen....within two years there is a cancer cluster...And here we go again this weekend raising money for melanoma research!!!
The doctors have to do their research...they have to ask their patient......what job and career do they have, are they involved with heavy metals??? Best to all, Dr. Roslyn Daveney.
Item 2: "Miscarriage:" Women have always been blamed for the miscarriage.....research and truth has come from Adelaide University that the lack of semen, the lack of intimacy during the pregnancy causes the miscarriage.....and efforts have been made to hide this truth. I have interviewed many women who have had a miscarriage and I have asked them, "did you have sexual intercourse with your husband during your pregnancy?" and the reply was unbelievable, they said "NO" they didn't have intercourse with their husbands when they were pregnant. And wives with husbands in the Armed Forces were most at risk. The men making their wives pregnant before they went overseas.....and these wives had no one to comfort them when they did miscarry. These families should be WARNED not to have intercourse that will cause a pregnancy while he is away on Active Duty. But no one warns them because they don't know.
Neither is it healthy for these men to make their wives pregnant before going on Active Duty with so many vaccinations/preservatives/heavy metals in their system. One man told me that he had 17 vaccinations, no brain can take that. Many of these men are laid up in bed they are so sick from the vaccinations. I also speak from experience. I had no sexual intercourse with my husband during my pregnancy and I lost a baby girl at six months pregnancy and nearly lost my own life. I also speak from experience having a male family member who went overseas and was forced to have the smallpox vaccination, and he had a son born in 1974 who became Gay. Mercury wasn't removed until 1986. I tell men, "your sperm is not in a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX"'s down there with everything else. I have always questioned....women are always 'on watch' when they are pregnant, always 'on watch' what they do and always 'on watch' what they if they are always 'on watch' then they cannot be causing these miscarriages and other health issues in their babies?? Men arrive back from Active Duty and end up suiciding or on a psychiatrist's couch filled with more medication that will 'blow his brain.' The brain is not supposed to take this, the brain cannot take it. I can CURE every returned veteran without medication. But BIGPHARMA have such a hold on prescribing drugs/medication for these men....and making a fortune out of it. Again and again, it crosses the threshold of the sperm during the sperm's replication the psychiatrists are not so SMART. These men have so much poison/heavy metals in their brains (and semen).....the 'brain blows' it has its consequences. BIGPHARM being UNREALISTIC and BIGPHARMA not investigating it, sticking to the "The Biggest Lie in History that Created its own EVOLUTION." End Item 2. Dr. Roslyn Daveney.
Dear Dr. Robert, you asked me for more information to be able to give to Mr. Kennedy if requested. It has to be broken up because the 'comment' was too long.
Item 1: This is a life's work for me. Let's start at the 2nd World War. Millions of the military were forced to have a smallpox jab before going overseas. Mercury was not taken out of the smallpox vaccination until 1986. This smallpox vaccination was also a regulation for travellers, travelling overseas. Saying this with a lot of respect, more Gay men were born at this time than ever before. Mercury in the vaccination has a lot to do with it. I have asked Gay men born from this era, did your father have a smallpox vaccination and all of them came back with the same reply, 'yes.' Then we had the Vietnam War.....Agent Orange! That was a tragedy. Military men who had sex with the Vietnamese women, had babies so deformed that the children were hidden away in special homes out of people's sight. These military men returned home to America and when having children with their wives, again, there were very sick children. And it wasn't the wife's came from the heavy metals/vaccinations and the Agent Orange having crossed the threshold of the sperm during the sperm's replication. I have interviewed many Aussie Vietnam Veterans and asked you have children who are unwell....everyone have said that their children have health issues. Nothing has ever been done about it.
When I wrote my PhD on "Semen" I called it "The Biggest Lie that started an Evolution." This lie that men were squeaky-clean created its own EVOLUTION....even when I wrote this PhD, it was hard for the examiners to accept it...because there was no SCIENTIFIC evidence, no LAB evidence, to back scientist had ever thought to examine it....because the LIE and its EVOLUTION was so big that men were squeaky clean no one questioned it....the examiners were forced to pass it. Dr. Ros Daveney....End No. 1.
I have only finished this week, my own investigation into why 'the world is going crazy' and surprise, surprise, it's actually a Mental Health Issue. Called "Mentally Divided." It's a legitimate mental health condition. "Mentally Divided" - Binary Thinking or "Splitting." Binary thinking, black and white thinking, all-or-nothing thinking, of thinking in the extremes. Thinking in the extremes is the failure in a person's thinking to bring together the dichotomy of both perceived and negative qualities of something into a cohesive, REALISTIC whole.
"Splitting" are common symptoms for people with menta health issues like EUPD also known as borderline disorder BPD.
"Splitting" means to divide something. It causes a person to view everything and everyone in black and white, their Absolute Terms.
I will get shot down for this....Big Pharma have all these identical symptoms...Big Pharma are UNREALISTIC. Thos mandatory vaccinations were UNREALISTIC, the Democrats were UNREALISTIC, what they did to Trump was UNREALISTIC, putting Dr. Robert in jail was UNREALISTIC, millions flooding over the border is UNREALISTIC, climate change is UNREALISTIC, Putin is UNREALISTIC, the Moslems taking over London is UNREALISTIC, Moslems are UNREALISTIC to women and UNREALISTIC to our Christian countries. And that is not racism, it's a legitimate mental illness. It has been UNREALISTIC that Israel is not permitted to stand up for itself. Hitler was UNREALISTIC. It's SPLITTING, Mentally Divided, and going to the EXTREMES....going to the has to be under their ABSOLUTE's a MENTAL's a MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE....this is serious, it's a MENTAL ILLNESS. They are coercive controllers and have no self-control.
We are being invaded by a MENTAL ILLNESS....what is causing this? Is it our diet, is it the food we eat?
I noted that the Bible is a reading that is REALISTIC. The Bible is REALISTIC. Are Christians more REALISTIC than others?? Revelations - will it only be the Christians that will survive this??
Please be careful, if you find people being UNREALISTIC, going to the EXTREMES, and under their ABSOLUTE TERMS towards you, then's a legitimate MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE.
Best to you all....Dr. Ros Daveney...
Can someone recover from dementia caused by psychiatric medications? There is a poor lady on another FB page who swears she is doomed because she took these drugs for 25 years. I know there has to be a way to stop the progression even if she doesn’t want to hear it. Thank you!
Have not had cases like this yet. I think there are ways to improve brain function, including ozone. we would be delighted to assist if asked
A nutritionally oriented psychiatrist.Dr. Georgia Ede, MD, wrote a book, Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind, which I've found valuable.
I have been bothered for years over how we have become a throw away society instead of repairing appliances, etc. When I look in my trash can most of what I see is packaging. I've been convicted over my own laziness in not buying food that is fresh, making sure I don't buy things I don't need, etc.
Back in 1989 I lived on Staten Island and worked for a museum doing historic restoration. Shortly after starting, a coworker said we needed to take some of our construction debris to the landfill. At first, I didn't think much of it until we arrived. The land fill is named "Fresh Kills Landfill." which is sadly but appropriately named. Seagulls flying over it everywhere. Imagine this: All 5 boroughs of NYC have been hauling their trash to this site for 50 years! What doesn't go there is put on barges, taken out to sea, and dumped! When I lived there, the company that was responsible for hauling waste on barges was caught not taking it out as far into the ocean as they were supposed to. Dead fish floating near the inland is what gave them away. Nobody went to prison.
They finally closed the landfill down until 911. The debris from the Trade Center and surrounding area was taken to the Fresh Kills landfill.
The title of your piece could not be further from the truth! Semmelweis Ignác was a thinker and innovator (I am positive that non one here knows much above Semmelweis besides the obvious) while RFK Jr is invested in the 4th Industrial Revolution and is bought up by the Zionists. He's part of the system and the predatory class. Many outstanding researchers have written about this.