“Everyone knows that the vaccine has reduced deaths. Just look at the deaths in 2020 and now.” - if that is what he knows, I would not vote for him though I am not in California. His "everyone" is not a good crowd and it the basis of what is wrong in the world. When his family drops and they will from continue mRNA vax push, we can check back with him and has how he likes the "reduced" part now.

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The problem with a representative between the people the government is that the rep always becomes corrupted, or is to begin with. This is why Republics always fail. Politics solved nothing.

If politics did not get involved with this supposedly deadly covid we would not even be conversing tonight. It would simply be a seasonal respiratory issue like all the others.

So you see, the problem is government, and by adding more government hoping to fix a problem all it does is double down the problems. Now you'll have a disease still used to control the population and a new law that controls the doctors.

The solution at this point is to split the country in half. There is no fixing the inane policy of politicans, of resolving the hatred of one side to the other, and the issues that will never be resolved.

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

Maybe Jim McGuire should be warned that if he votes for that bill he will, in the words of Chuck Schumer, reap the whirlwind.

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Meanwhile talk of resurrecting all that did not work in 1918 nor did it work when they hauled it all

out AGAIN in 2020

Repeating the same expecting a different outcome is the sign of insanity

They are rolling on all burners in that part

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I don't live in California, but I agree with what you are saying. Honest debate is no longer an option in this country. Over the time COVID has been with us, I would watch interviews with epidemiologists from Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, etc. that were disagreeing with Fauci and the CDC. What was the result? They were labeled as fringe opinions and accused of spreading disinformation. There was only one acceptable view and that was Fauci's and the CDC.

I watched a recent interview with Fauci re: Gain of Function research at the Wuhan lab and whether or not this was the cause of the COVID release. Fauci denied it. When pressed, telling him that the number of people stating this was so is increasing, his response? "Just because more people are saying it doesn't make them right." Hmmm. Well, it doesn't make them wrong either.

Our government is becoming increasingly corrupt with political overreach into many areas of our lives. If we do not do what they say, we are the enemy and they will come after us. God help us all.

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