People DESPERATELY need to read, listen and share. Dr. McCullough's interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast on Spotify is POWERFUL!!. Also, read RFK jr's The Real Anthony Fauci. These two absolutely destroy the covid narrative. Also, check out https://www.fittrimimmortal.com/blog/covid-statistical-hijinx to see the true stats for all-cause mortality that is HIGHER in 2021 than in the pandemic year of 2020. The shots and Remdesivr are deliberately killing people. It's not even debatable.

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Pursuant to your Omicron post, here is another analysis: Omicron is Not Normal


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Coincidence? GAVI, funded by the Gates Foundation, supports a BSL-3 lab in Durban, RSA, which, wow!... is where Omicron (Xi) emerged. Virologists say there is too little similarity to think this is a natural mutation from the original SARS-2. It is yet another bioweapon, that violates the 1989 Chemical Weapons Treaty.

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I am wondering about this myself.

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Hey doc, I miss my trips to your office. Please give my best to Bud, Sharon and the crew. If you're at all interested in my book, Bud has a copy I bet you could borrow. Hope to be back with you once I start working again.

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What if Omicron was made by white hats using CRISPR in order to end the pandemic? I like that theory especially for the future pandemics. Not gain of function, but LOSS of function. Make the virus safer, easier to spread, and like a transmissible vaccine.


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Omicron (which, sequentially, should have been called xi, but someone thought the Chinese dictator lacked a sense of humor) was likely an attempt to spin the fear dial back up to 11. It was first found in Durban SA, and woodenya know... GAVI supports a BSL-3 lab in Durban.

They're not done, and Fauci predicted a brand new pandemic in less than two years. If that happens, it will be another deliberate lab leak, because major pandemics don't usually come any closer together than about 100 years. But then covid wasn't really a true pandemic; had we followed the standard of care established for SARS in 2003 (HCQ) it would have been a complete nothingburger.

Meanwhile the WHO pandemic treaty, which Brandon signed in violation of the Constitution, means that WHO can declare an emergency, martial law, jab mandates, you name it. The Repellicans need to find a set of juevos and blow that bit of fascism... to the moon, Alice.

So, yes, no doubt it was manufactured, but zero possibility it was meant to end anything. Gates wants to winnow the herd to 5B, and so far all he's managed is to slow the growth from 2% in 1970, to around 0.7% currently, although we can't really trust the numbers. I'll be publishing on that in a few days.

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