Here's a product of hyperchlorous acid that is pretty good and fairly inexpensive. I bought this about a year ago and although I haven't used it all, but I'm ordering it again now just to keep it fresh. For years previously I was using something called Vital Oxide, that had and Chlorine Dioxide and Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. I didn't use it very often but it was good for killing mold and mildew and perhaps reducing odors in things but it had its own sort of sweet chlorine smell that lingered, although they claim it is safe for food preparation surfaces, I would not like the residue of the Quaternary compounds. I don't even know why it's still sold now because the hypochlorous acid sold now after improving its stability for shelflife is superior, unless the vital oxide residue prevents the recurrence of mold. The hyperchlorous acid does have a bit of mild chlorine odor but the odor doesn't linger, and supposedly it's more potent a disinfectant than than chlorine bleach.


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