Yes. I would like to see your pictures. Thank you.

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Thank you for the travelogue and your experiences. I am still left with the "cov2" conundrum as to whether it was a "virus" or NOT. My personal observations are that it spread unlike any other pathogen. I think it was a poisoning as well as a gaslighting. Dr. F's testimony two days ago was riddled with body language signs and obfuscation that we may never know the truth in this lifetime.

To backtrack on ozone as it relates to poison...is it possible that ozone would be not a cure but a help to the body to divest it self of a poison so that I will heal?

As for the holocaust, a very dear friend who is in his early 90's and a formerly orthodox Hungarian Jew.

He was 12 years old when freed by the Allied invasion. An American GI took him under his wing, brought him to the US and became his mentor and foster parent. That GI was none other than Charles Merril. Subsequently (Bernie) was educated in Law at Columbia and became legal counsel for Safeway stores. He still gives talks about his experiences in Sobibor and Auschwitz where he watched his mother, father and little brother sent to their death. He still experiences anti-semitism when he travels back to Hungary. Man's inhumanity for the sake of money and power still astounds me. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places"

Pictures welcome.

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My mother's parents were Hungarian Jews--my grandmother was from Budapest, and my grandfather was born in Transylvania, which was part of Hungary when he was born (1898). He had, I believe, six other brothers, and I think only my grandfather and one older brother escaped the holocaust before it started, the others perished during it. He was a chemical and mechanical engineer and had immigrated to United States, perhaps in the early 1920s, as did his older brother, before World War II, I assume. His older brother, my grand uncle, who I knew growing up, was shorter than my grandfather, who was about 6'2". I saw photos of all the brothers together, and several of my grandfather's brothers were taller than him--one looked to be about 6'7". That was quite tall for that time. I suspect the taller brothers, including perhaps my grandfather, may have had some traits of Marfan syndrome. My grandfather said he was rejected from the military because he was chicken-breasted. When he mentioned that he was getting dressed and to me his chest looked more like the lower ribs on the sides were projected further than the middle of the chest, so that may be the second rarer version described here from Medical News Today:

There are two different types of pectus carinatum:

Chondrogladiolar prominence: This type of pectus carinatum is also called “chicken breast” and is the most common form of the condition. Here, the middle and lower sections of the breastbone push forward.

Chondromanubrial prominence: This type of pectus carinatum is also called “Pouter pigeon breast” and is a more rare and complex form of the condition. Here, the breastbone develops in a Z-shape, with the top section pushing forward.

I don't believe he had any negative health effects from it, or the possible Marfan syndrome connection. When he got older he developed type 2 diabetes and he eventually died of colon cancer at 89. What is unusual, supposedly, is that he had no pain from the cancer, even when it was in the later stages and manifesting in other parts of his body.

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Yes. I’d like to see some pictures thank you.

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I would love to see your pictures. Thank You.

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Another point. Hamas attacked Israel and the government told the army to stay down for 6-8 hres. I’m not even sure if it was Hamas or a paid military group.

It was planned to be able to attack and take possession of their land (greed again to have a canal from Israel to the sea). Bringing billions in revenues.

Even a majority of Israelis (?) are angry at their government for the “butchering “ done on hospitals, children, pregnant women, etc. Innocents decimated.

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I happen to believe that most governments are absolutely corrupt. That the army was told to stand down does not excuse the butchery. It reflect corruption in government.

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You said you were marveled by the gold the churches have. I was personally disgusted by it.

Those Europeen churches are beautiful without a doubt but also reflect the avaricious nature of that religion. I’ve seen modest ones and opulent ones in small villages (of course they were collecting money from the villagers, rich or poor).

Went to Rome Colleseum and been told all the seats in the entire place were in marble (reclaimed by the Vatican).

At this time in my life, I believe in God for the beauty of the human body and all the beautiful things of the Earth.

Religion is a “man made” concept to control, extort humanity and in some cases (spreading kindness, community unity etc). But religion killed also more people than wars and many wars were based on religion (today it’s more greed).

You are right, that war in Ukraine is not what it seems. It was a country that was doing human trafficking, children trafficking, organs trafficking and biological weapons sponsored by the Biden family (Microbiota ?) his son being on the board of it.

And it is a money laundering scheme all the billions send there

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I think you might have missed what I was trying to say or I was not clear. I am marveled by the beauty of what humans can accomplish. I am marveled by what they can produce when motivated. That does not mean I am marveled by opulence for churches and clergy at the expense of the common man, and what "believers" were put through so that they would think they are not going to eternity in the fires. I believe the real church is in the heart. NOT in any building. And, I agree that religion has killed more than all wars combined. We are seeing it in action again today. Thank you for the comment.

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Did you ever see Ricky Gervais's movie "The Invention of Lying"?

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Doctor Rowen, are you on the Nextdoor app here in Sonoma County, by chance? We have a *private* group on that platform called "The Politics of Covid" that has existed since the early days of lockdowns where we share information that isn't allowed in the main area on ND. I say *private* because what is private anymore? But at least we can have discussions where we aren't shouted down by mass-formation-damaged idiots.

Here's a link: https://nextdoor.com/g/ohjlacsqp/

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Would love to see pictures

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