Over the last few years it has become obvious that FDA stands for Farmaceutical Duplicity Agency.

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The older I get the harder it is to appeal to the entities that control our lives. Asking government or government agencies for a favor is like a slave asking his master to withhold the lash. Nonetheless, I signed the petition. Thank you for keeping these issues of great importance in the spotlight.

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Signed and shared.

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Life in the land of the free...thankyou for all your work.

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Is the FDA still leaving nicotinamide riboside alone? I tried NAD+ a few years ago and I didn't feel good the few times I took it.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

Great website! Thanks for letting us know about it. I have been selling organic, transdermal remedies on Amazon since 2015, with over 41,000 customers. Two weeks ago, Amazon took three of our 16 products off of their platform with threats to take them all off "for not following their new policies"! Every one of our products are made from simple, organic ingredients that have been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years to help heal through the skin. Somebody from a new group called "Amazon Seller Partners" called me to let me know that Amazon wasn't actually the group who was dis-approving of our products, but that they now have a 3r party deciding what can now be sold there and what cannot and that Amazon actually would have approved of all of our products that have been selling there for years with great reviews. Turns out that 3rd party is now the FDA that has now imbedded itself inside of Amazon with millions of bots looking for what they consider to be "illegal words" like "natural", "organic", "herbal" or even "remedies"... and a very long list of other words that we can no longer put on our packaging. They sent me to the NEW FDA policies that they want sellers like me to follow. According to these new policies we can't even tell potential customers what the product is or what it does, unless one has FDA approval, which as you know is EXTREMELY costly. Evidently, some law (that I am still trying to find) was passed last year (inside of the 2,200 page trench of laws that Congress didn't have time to read before they were forced to vote on it) giving the FDA the powers to do this. Fortunately, we can still sell our products from our Shopify website here: coleherbals.com but who knows how long it will be before the FDA is able to go into any platform and cancel any products that have not been FDA approved. They know that the only companies that can afford to get this kind of approval are the big drug companies. Way time "We The People" started fighting back as NONE of this is for our own good!

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Thank you. The heat is getting turned up. We need a champion. WHileI don't like all his policies, RFK Jr. would certainly be on our side in this battle of the darkness.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Robert Jay Rowen, MD

I don't like all of his policies either... BUT he is telling the truth regarding medical choice freedoms, the war in Ukraine (and the history of other needless wars), how our educational system got corrupted, how we spend more money on healthcare than any other country in the world, with failing results. I would NEVER vote D after seeing how corrupt that party has become. But in many ways Rs have been just as corrupt. If he can get votes away from this Biden administration in 2024 that would be a blessing for us all. - Loving all of your posts, thoughts and suggested solutions.

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Maybe you could have on your site a section for the products that are “Amazon Banned” - so the knowledgeable customers will be able to prioritize their purchases?🤔

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Thanks for the suggestion. Right now our solution is to send postcards out to everyone we can find who purchased from us on Amazon since 2015 and give them a huge discount to come and purchase on our site instead. coleherbals.com <---- 40% OFF for Moms with code 40MOM during the month of May. "If there is a will, there is a way!"

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