
Thank you. The information I used came from Web of Debt. I may have gotten some facts wrong, but as I recall from the book, the issue was Morgan bank loans to the non-German side which would have gone "south" if the USA did not enter the war against Germany. Thank you for pointing this out.

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I suggest everyone read the book "War is a Racket" by Smedley Butler, a highly decorated Marine. It makes the death of every young American who thought they were defending their country seem like a bigger tragedy.

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Thank you, as ever, for having the courage to speak truth.

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Just shy of 2.9 million have given the last full measure, and most in the name of saving America. Since the end of WWII, it has been in the name of saving the rest of the world, except we forgot about Tibet, since they had nothing we cared to defend. It would have been a cakewalk to blow the Chinese out of Tibet (no jungles) v. the extensive losses in Korea and Vietnam. You are correct that WWII, or at least our part, was largely generated by Roosevelt supporting the European allies, much as Biden is doing with Ukraine. The Germans had reason to suspect the Lusitania was part of the war effort. Also, we embargoed Japan, causing considerable hardship and motivating Pearl Harbor. FDR certainly should have seen that coming a mile away, and maybe he did. The first casualty of war is always the truth.

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Thank you, dear Dr. Rowen, for speaking truth out; bravely and accurately! God Bless You! ✝️🙏🇺🇸❤️

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

The USA entered World War I due to the Zimmerman Telegram of 1917, not the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915. And J.P. Morgan died in 1913, over 2 years before the sinking of the Lusitania.

I'm grateful that you are excellent at medicine, and suggest that you stick to that subject.

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