Thank you again, Dr. Rowen. Touching on one of your topics, I've been following this Monkey business closely. Here it is listed under "Too Suspicious Predictions", with other "coincidences" that I hope the public will be made aware of. https://youarebeingliedto.substack.com/p/shot?s=w P.s. The "Jenner" project was up lifting. GO SPANISH POLICE!

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The Sousa-Faro matter invokes delicious moral issues to be debated by ethicists. .How far can one go to save one's self when confronted with what is perceived to be harm?

Dr. Paul Alexander has been discussing fake vaccine cards in hospitals in one state.

EXCERPT - Dr. Paul Alexander "...Several doctors practicing in XXX state in the US came forward during the Defeat the Mandates rally in LA advising that they are aware (part of) a scheme in hospitals in XXX state that have given fake vaccine cards to doctors who refuse the vaccine that are mandated, and to ensure they are not laid off/suspended, they are given the fake cards by CEOs/senior doctors. ... This shows either we live in a society of a 2-tiered system where ‘all pigs are not equal’ or that there are serious concerns with the vaccine not only as to effectiveness but as to safety, and these doctors know it, that doctors know it; this raises so many issues that are so very troubling."


As always, Dr. Rowen, thank you!

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