Every day the world gets crazier

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You get what you vote for.

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Not so sure anymore. The election system is so screwed up I think it's just an illusion that we have any say whatsoever these days.

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When I lived in California I felt like it was me against the State. Like the State was out to get me. It's so nice not to have that boot coming down on your neck. Yes, here in Valhalla;) we still have to deal with the Feds occasionally but it feels like I'm in a state that really cares about its citizens and to a large extent protects us from the miscreants. California is gone. I'm furious about it. It's my native country that I truly love, but I believe the plan is to let China take it over after all the bitter clingers have left. I wonder how they'll treat the trannys. I was an activist for a long time there but at a certain point I felt the need for peace and success in my endeavors and not constant roadblocks.

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Everything "Gruesome" Newsom is doing and has done to California is what he is going to do to the United States after they install him as POTUS and after he Installs "Big Mike" Michelle Obama as VP. This is the DemonRat and Repubturd "Wet Dream". They don't want the dementia riddled Pedo on Pennsylvania Ave anymore. Remember in 2020 "Welcome to the New Normal", "We are all in this together"? That is what they meant then! Anybody notice the change in the country in the last four years?

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...talking about acupuncture, it's rather ironic that Newsomofovabitch is full of hot air!...

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Yep. He could use a little 'puncture himself..

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