May 26·edited May 27

Some of the strongest evidence that Fauci was involved in deliberately bringing the Covid pandemic about, was at one of the meetings of the scientists early in Trump's presidency, I forget what the group was, but it's on video, Fauci said that before the end of Trump's first term he would have to deal with a novel respiratory virus. Later he explained he was just basing that on the historical timeline of outbreaks, but it seems more likely they actually planned the lab leak.

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Be much better is you could find that video is and putting it here or a ling to it. You just can't badmouth a fine scientist like Dr. Fauci with this kind of hearsay.

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Well, it's right on YouTube. He claims he makes the statement based on his 32 years at NIH. A lot of people suspect, even in the YouTube comments, that he knows it because he was planning it.


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Thank you. Next time I will proofread before I post!

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This is from your article:

"By the same token, I have to think I would be nuts not to consider that what is going on with this nasty bird flu research is also *not* coordinated and planned."

I think you meant to say:

"By the same token, I have to think I would be nuts not to consider that what is going on with this nasty bird flu research is also coordinated and planned."

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Correct, thank you. Double negative got me.

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What are they spraying on us also.

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0.3% or 0.03% peroxide?

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We have used both. 0.3% has seemed quite safe and effective..

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