I have the same problem with accessing and reading the full article on cataracts. I'm a paid subscriber (have been for a while). But I can't seem to access the full article. There's a prompt to download an app for the iPhone but I'd prefer to read online in the subscriber's area (I see better on a large computer screen than on a small iPhone screen). Clicking on the "Read" link still doesn't lead to the full article-it seems to lead back to the abbreviated article. Maybe a problem with a link?

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I have just subscribed to the Rowen Report so that I could read this article on cataracts but I cannot see the full article. I do not want to download the substack app. Is that the only way to read it?

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Same thing happened with me. Couldn’t read rest of article.

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Hmmm... the link to read the good dr's article is to a subscription only page. Did I miss something here?

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I provided a complete article for you. Beyond this article, you'll have to subscribe.

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I subscribed but don't see anything more. Sounds like I am not alone

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I am commenting about catarac surgery. When I had it done on birth eyes, the doctor put a fold on one lens. Both lenses developed tiny droplets between my eye and the lens. Plus they weren't strong enough. Thinking all he needed to do to correct issues including night vision issues after the surgery which I didn't have prior to surgery, he used a lazar around each lens. Then my vision became even worse. He sent me to another doctor who had more powerful equipment. Here explained what was going on. There were droplets of water caught and more developing between my eye and the lenses. He also saw the folded lens in my left eye. I was seen to a special eye surgeon. He opted to replace one catarac lens with a three part silicon lens; however, he didn't replace with same the lens power which I had. Without my knowledge he put in a lesser power. I can see but the power in my left eye isn't strong enough. Now what! Now I have a worse night vision because each lens has a different a different glare. Plus there lowered powered lens in the left eye causes double vision and unconsciously it closes when it's tired. I've been checked for various diseases which could cause this and thank goodness I don't have them. What now! Now I've developed GCA. I can go instantaneously permanetly blind. What do I do?

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I am so sorry to hear of this. Complications of cataract surgery are uncommon. Might contact my sister, Dr. Sheri Rowen in Newport Beach CA.

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