Closing Out the Year with An Easy Resolution to Dramatically Improve Diet
#137 2024 The Rowen Report
Dear Subscriber,
First, Terri and I wish you all a HEALTHY, HAPPY, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS New Year.
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In gratitude for your support, I want to bring you a report on cooking oils which I have been beating the drums about for well over 15 years, perhaps the first to do so in a large scale, and certainly being proven right years later.
In this simple report (click the link) you will see that “science” is AT LAST coming out with reports that commercial seed oil is highly toxic and linked to cancer. There is simply no way around it.
I hope you will read the link (fast read). But know I don’t think it goes quite far enough. There is NO vegetable oil safe for cooking except for coconut or palm oil. Butter and ghee are ok. Why? These oils are saturated and saturated oils are more resistant to attack by oxygen than even monounsaturated olive oil. Olive oil is a terrific food. A super food, in fact with lots of incredible protective molecules. Jesus spoke on the mount of olives!
But being even a single unsaturated, it is vulnerable to oxidation (rancidity). And if you are getting vegetable oils in a bottle, you can be sure they are ALREADY damaged. When extracted the oils are removed from Nature provided anti-oxidants protectors. Just being in air, they will begin to oxidize. Light makes it worse. And heat rapidly speeds up the process.
They try to reassure you with canola oil as superior. It is NOT. It is even worse. Omega 3 oils far more rapidly decay. That is why I am adamantly opposed to the pharmacological consumption of marine oils. I am not against your consumption of sea food, WHOLE food. I am concerned about the separation of the oils in marine life from the protection from oxidation the whole food provides.
Please do NOT cook anything in any unsaturated oil – mono, or poly unsaturated. The latter decays the fastest. We did not have scourges of vascular disease, the high incidence of cancer, or even my condition – macular degeneration – until widespread introduction and consumption of processed oils. Margarine was touted as a HEALTH fat. I ate a lot growing up. And, a lot of fried foods. We did not know better. And, the price is to be paid later in life. Why?
When you build a house, the most important parts that you don’t want to rot are the foundation and roof. If the foundation rots, the house collapses. Leaky roof? Water enters. I don’t need to elaborate there. It can take years for substandard construction of materials to manifest damage. These toxic oils compromise the foundation (membranes) and roof (mitochondria) of your cells. Membranes are throughout the cell, inside and out. And oxidized oils have leaks, fractures, and so many other toxic properties.
One of the best New Year’s resolutions you can make for a healthier life is a healthier diet. And the oils you eat should be at the very top of the positive change. Like a crumbled foundation or leaky roof, the manifestations might not become apparent for many years, and by then it can be rather late.
It is NEVER too late. I have done everything I can to address my eyes (deterioration likely due to toxic oils from years of ignorance), and it appears to be having some positive effects, with stabilization of what is considered an irreversible process. I will soon be using ozonated glycerin drops to add to everything else I do for my eyes. But, I am admittedly crazed about not eating toxic oils. We grill our waiters at any restaurant about the oil their food is cooked in and actively seek out restaurants where they are willing to use coconut oil or butter for cooking. We are fortunate to be in the Santa Rosa area where there is consciousness about this, and organic food, and vegetarian preferences (for me).
Again, Happy Healthy, Safe, and Prosperous New Year, and we thank you humbly for your ongoing support.
Robert Jay Rowen, MD and Terri Su, MD
A book on this subject, written by Chris A. Knobbe, MD, and Suzanne Alexander, M.Ed., is The Ancestral Diet Revolution. The subtitle, How Vegetable Oils and Processed Foods Destroy Our Health - and How to Recover!, is followed by a description: Prevent, Treat, and Often Reverse Most Chronic Diseases, Including Overweight, Obesity, Heart Disease, Cancers, Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Macular Degeneration, Autoimmune Disease, Anxiety, Depression, and Much, Much More, with Natural Diets.
I get the message that seed oils are bad, but I love peanut butter. Does this have natural anti oxidants from the peanuts to make it an OK snack?