
I saw the video of the alleged nanobots. I am not convinced. I could easily make a case that what I am seeing are mere crystalline structures that came out of solution, like salt can precipitate. I am not convinced that these are "self assembling". I am not saying they are not. Just that they will have to go much further to convince me. It a matter of interpreting what you are seeing.

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I am heading in to get my first set of Function Health labs today and highly interested to see what the results are. Although I don’t have a baseline, we used Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella and Organic Cilantro combo for months for a slower, natural chelation process.

Furthermore, we continue having cilantro daily in our Organic Blueberry Protein smoothies so we shall see what the numbers show for heavy metals in my system and will update once results are received.

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I do chelation regularly as I have lead levels off the chart after having completely gutted a 100+year old building 20+ years ago. I have a quick & simple answer to your question: Chelation has proved to be a great antidote to the (SGT) Synthetic Gene Therapy injections marketed as vaccines.

"Dr. Ana Milhacea ,MD,PhD from Humanity United Now" has reported this on her substack. Title in quote marks. She promotes an oral EDTA product on her the site.

So, the bought & paid for squad on this study did as they were told to do.......squash the antidote!

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I use quantum biofeedback which reads the body to molecular level. After getting an EDTA IV...done my own session and biofeedback showed: accumulation of heavy metals in genital organs from EDTA. I was in shock.... just sharing

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N=1, your heavy metals accumulated in your genital organs. This does not mean it will happen to me. My intention is to urinate & poop the metals out. I take charcoal & zeolite prior to a session to help bind the metals and aid in escorting them out the backdoor as it were or via my urine. If I wanted to know if my heavy metals were accumulating anywhere, I could do some muscle testing and don't need a quantum biofeedback machine. That's my path!

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Yes, Dr Rowen, I saw the same article as Kim Hayes on EDTA being the antidote to the shots. Please read Dr Ana's reports and let us know what you think.

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Dr Rowen where do you purchase your rectal EDTA?

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Look online for "Detoxamin".

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