CDC Admits VAERS Underreporting by a Factor of 6! Correction on a German Report. FDA strikes out in trying to Hide Pfizer Vaccine Data for 76 years.
#94 The Rowen Report
Dear Subscriber,
And again, good news from the courts.
You might recall that the FDA balked at releasing safety data regarding the Pfizer COVID vaccine. It wanted about 76 years to release all the records. The judge said this was a matter of paramount importance.
Now consider that FDA was balking because it claimed it could not get through the tens of thousands of paper timely as the law demands. Folks, a FOIA request is a simply exercise in copying. For approval, the FDA rushed an analysis of all the paperwork through in mere weeks to months. If they cannot copy documents for public release for 76 years, how could they EVER have READ the documents to decide if it was safe or not. I think you can copy documents a heck of a lot faster than read them. And HUMANS had to read them, not machines, like DATA in the Star Trek series. I cannot wait to see the analysis of those documents when released. Thank you, Judge Mark Pittman.
A Correction:
In my premium report I posted what now appear to be inaccurate figures I read regarding vaccines and omicron in Germany. I was sent information that there were just 186 COVID cases among the unvaxxed. Apparently, the source of the information made an clerical error and the cases should have read 1097, which would significantly affect the conclusion. It looks then that the vaccine is not increasing the risk of omicron, but does absolutely NOTHING to protect the recipient from Omicron. In the meantime, things are getting nasty about vaccine passports to enter places while we see the vaccine is doing zilch to prevent spread.
Now balancing out the figures on the other hand, we have an admission from CDC itself that injuries are underreported to VAERS by a factor of at least 6.
Approximately 5.1% of parents reported that their child was unable to perform normal daily activities on the day after receipt of dose 1, and 7.4% after receipt of dose 2. Approximately 1% of parents reported seeking medical care in the week after vaccination; most medical care was received via a clinic appointment (441; 0.6%). Fourteen (0.02%) children reportedly received care at a hospital; information regarding reason for hospitalization was available for five children and included appendicitis (two), vomiting and dehydration (one), respiratory infection (one), and retropharyngeal cellulitis (one). Parents and guardians of all hospitalized children were contacted; two parents completed VAERS reports, and one revealed hospitalization was reported in error.
Source: You don’t hear about this in the news. So, while the German figures were errant, our agencies have counterbalanced it and quietly let us know that VAERS is way, way off. If off by at least a factor of 6, which is likely an understatement, we have well over 120,000 deaths and many times that of injuries.
Myocarditis in young men is skyrocketing. This used to be extremely rare. But the numbers now are appalling. To make matters worse, we might not ever know the true extent of the nightmare.
In the following case, an older man got myocarditis 3 months after the second vaccine. I got a report today of a young man/adolescent who developed myocarditis 6 months after a second jab. How on earth will these cases ever make it to reports when we see above that only one in 6 adverse events are getting reported according to CDC itself?
I personally believe we have far more deaths in the young from the genetic jab than from the disease itself. Yet pundits are pummeling and terrifying the public to vaccinate and boost children. For every case of CLINICAL myocarditis, I will bet there are 10 more (at least) subclinical cases. And, it could take years or decades for those injuries to manifest in perhaps early onset congestive heart failure or heart attacks. Why do I believe this? Because d-dimer, a reflection of clotting, is quietly elevated in COVID genetic jabs and few are looking for it. Here are two cases of deep venous thrombosis a month after the jab in younger adult doctors: These folks didn’t even have a positive d-dimer. Clearly there can be a quiet development of vascular inflammation that can take weeks or far longer to develop. Once you have deep venous issues, you are prone for the rest of your life.
Today (Thursday) in my office I had the pleasure to meet and treat a physician hospitalist (hospital specialty) who received 3 doses of the vaccine and came in for ozone therapy with acute COVID (not seriously ill, likely Omicron). I do recommend you see the movie 1984 and compare the political indoctrination you see in that movie with the vaccine brainwashing of today. This doctor admitted that science has proven the vaccine has failed and said the pundits have abandoned science for whatever nefarious purpose is at hand. She felt better before she left the office, as do most, but not all our ozone treated COVID patients.
To Your Excellent Health,
Robert Jay Rowen, MD
PS Thank you all for your kind and positive comments about my efforts. It is appreciated and I have not been able to respond to all personally. Please know that if I report something to you that I discover inaccurate, like the above information about vaccines in Germany, I will come forward as soon as I am informed or discover the error. Our Report is never to be a source of deliberate misinformation, but obviously, any information source that comes to me can carry an error as the German source appears to have done. I appreciate your being here and helping this report grow. Hopefully it will eclipse my previous following on Facebook, where I was heavily censored for accurate posts.
The graph in this study from Denmark shows negative Omicron efficacy after 3 months.
These guys claim a URF of 20:
And also massive deaths.