I wonder if the micro/nano plastics found in the olfactory bulbs may be related to the intensely promoted wearing of masks during the covid scamdemic? Thank you Dr. Fauci for promoting this practice. (pardon my sarcasm).

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Yes, that's likely, IMO. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10603568/ .

https://e360.yale.edu/digest/microplastics-human-brains . Those clean links are just two of many pages returned when I asked Brave AI, Can breathing through a mask introduce micro- and nanoplastics into human blood? Some of the referenced sources are behind a paywall, but most are not.

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I’m sure it does, I’ve read the blue masks have fibers in them.

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It's all Kabuki Theatre. The 1st fake attempt got him some support. Polls slumping these non-creatives just use the same recipe over & over. It's all over the internet pictures of this guy, he's a known crisis actor. Take a chill pill! I refuse to get on the Merry-go-Round! Stop with the Savior Programs. Look in the mirror, that's who saves us and we have SOURCE on our side. Humanity needs to rise up and govern themselves. We don't need these Federal level parasites. Let the States do their job. Calm down, both sides are eating out of the same trough. Black Sun Faction/Trump and RFK jr is a Black Sun faction as well. Parties mean nothing it's all bloodlines & factions. The Dems mostly are Rothschild/Chinese Elder/Dragon Families. They inter-marry all the time. Ivanka/Black Sun & Jared Kushner aka 'Q' is Dragon Family/Rothschild. Bill Clinton/Black Sun & Hillary/Dragon Families/Rothschild . Don't get on the Merry go round. I vote for Humanity, we must rebuild from the ground up, collaboration, cooperation, community. Stop thinking these sock puppets are going to SAVE You! Kabuki Theatre all of it! Don't participate!

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Said by someone who gets their belief system from the Star Wars mythology, George Lucas's kabuki theater.

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yes Clark, good theatre, like "hanging chads' messing up the ballots in Florida for the Republicans and a win....remember that? Hanging chads.........the dumber the excuse , the more the public laps it up! Or Dems throwing Bernie under the bus, that's OK. They bought the 'socialist' another house and he kept his mouth shut. Not suspicious! Look at the fake shaman (Crisis actor) at the Jan. 6th organized event, on his body a fake tattoo that is the symbol of the Black Sun.......oops.....right in your face folks! Fake dead girl, posting on FB 2 weeks later. Debates that rigged with knowledge of pre-questions going back years. I didn't watch the latest circus debate, just saw the picture and info on the internet of the ear bud earrings the Dems popped in their sock puppets ears so she could complete a full sentence. Politics is Hollywood for Ugly People! It's like the Mainsteam media, it's all a production. Writers, producers, green screen. Every time someone sues Rachael Madcow for slander or libel she wins in court. Why??? Her defense.....the News is just ENTERTAINMENT! In your face........more theatre . Back to Star Wars, the old original stuff was great. It's when Disney took over that they ruined that franchise. I worked in Television & Films for 20 years. I know what goes on behind the camera. Just like these knuckleheads that wrapped up in a show like Survivor. Duh! There's a whole crew there with them. And IF you were forced to Survive somewhere, would you really have time to stop and play games???? Right now the Planet and Humanity is participating in a huge transition and shift. It has to come from the people. We are in survival mode and we do not have time to stop and play games with the Deep State that is groping to distract you. Buckminster Fuller: condensed- we walk away and don't emotional or physically finance the disfunction anymore we create our new paradigm and make theirs obsolete! It's a constant assault to keep you in fear to drain the blood from your frontal cortex so you make bad decisions. Bird Flu......aaagh! Monkey Pox......agghhhh! A new strain of this or that! aaagh! Nuclear war, an asteroid might hit us.....aaaagh! Turn the TV off........don't get on the Merry-go-round! Look around at all the wonderful people that are creating & contributing to the Restoration of the Planet & Humanity. Everywhere you turn it's all around us. SOURCE is on our side! Don't finance their disfunction with your energy! Maybe you watched the Matrix Clark........stop being their Battery! They want your Life Force! and Clark.....have a nice life no matter what happens. I'm not financing the OLD paradigm with my energy, I'm working on the NEW EARTH that's where I'm spending my Energy!

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The New Earth. Wasn't there a TV series like that recently. I guess there always were such themes, going back to the Time Machine, and before. Forbidden Planet. I've never could understand, if the Krell were so super intelligent how they couldn't have foreseen that their subconscious would destroy them when it was unleashed. I guess they didn't do any beta testing on their device for unlimited power controlled by the mind. I agree about all these falsehoods, mostly propagated by the left. Reality shows are entertainment and most people understand that, but what they're doing in politics is basically a reality show to try to hoodwink the population in the real world. I saw the first Star Wars in the theater--I was about 28 years old and I thought it was very juvenile. I guess later installments became more serious with their pseudo Greek mythology.

In my opinion the most serious issue facing the world today is autotune and pitch correcting of singers. And lying about it, even passing off pitch corrected vocals as live performances. This goes back to the reality shows also, where they virtually all do various degrees of pitch correction on what are supposed to be singing competitions. The only country where I don't see that happening, thankfully, is the Philippines, and my favorite singers are there, and the majority of singers in singing competitions that I watch are in the Philippines. Even though they don't always sing in a style that I prefer, at least most, if not all, of the TV shows and concerts are performed without any pitch correction, for the real singers, anyway.

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spot on Clark: "what they're doing in politics is basically a reality show to try to hoodwink the population in the real world. " Star Wars was symbolic of the fight of the Light (Good) and the Dark (Evil) , which is the same battle we have going now. I'm just pointing out that the 2 sides/factions battling Black Sun vs Rothschild/Chinese Dragon Families are both deleterious to Humanity. Neither of those factions want us to be Sovereign. Like I said, we have SOURCE on our side. Getting these Dark players to give up power won't happen, little by little they are being recycled back to Source. They would rather destroy the planet tan admit defeat. They don't want to acknowledge they already lost. Lots of people will be in shock as the Real Truth about the Planet & History begins to roll out. Don't give these losers your energy or attention. Think Local, get to know your neighbors again. We don't have to like people to work with them. We all have more in common than we think. If we stop fighting amongst ourselves and work together we'll be able to sweep away the Evil & Corruption quicker, and get on with re-thinking it all. We can see what didn't work as a prime example. Lots of smart people out there we can collaborate & cooperate with to accomplish our goals. I learned a long time ago making Wildlife & Natural History Films.......always ask the locals/natives their opinion. They know the land, the climate, the traditions, the flora & fauns, etc. no sense skinning your knees if you don't have too. We don't need the Federal Govt. they do nothing for us, let the States do their job. All the Counties, Communities need to come together and come up with local solutions. Here's a quick reminder why the powers in D.C. don't serve us......flashback.....Viet Nam war (besides the whole conflict being ridiculous) you have suits in D.C. telling Generals on the ground what day of the week they could fire back at the enemy as if it was a board game. Cuz to them it was! My Father was a Capt. of a Destroyer in WWII he wrote a letter to McNamara everyday showing him how to end the war. It sickened him to see men die for nothing. I learned about the lies from Pearl Harbor as a child. My Father was taking the USS Dorsey out of Pearl and was hit by a kamikaze pilot and his ship survived and all the men on it. He told me the truth about Pearl Harbor. No surprise attack, everybody knew, they had broken the codes . I pulled up the archives of the Honolulu & Hilo papers for Nov. 30 and the headlines read.......Japanese expected to attack this week. Big Surprise! So, I was raised to question EVERYTHING!

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Well when you talk about Black Sun vs. Rothschild Chinese Dragon Families, and Source, I have no idea what you're talking about, and frankly, because you assume people know what you're talking about, it sounds like cult or fantasy game talk. I would avoid doing that if you want to be taken seriously. The theory is that Roosevelt's blockade of Japan was to force them to attack Pearl Harbor in order to get popular opinion behind entering World War II.

I actually like the powers in DC--DC comics, that is.

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Read More: https://www.grunge.com/873638/the-pagan-origins-of-the-infamous-nazi-black-sun-symbol/

scroll down and see the symbol........same in your face symbol on the fake shaman/crisis actor at the Capitol Jan. 6th.

You can research color codes on your own......Hitler was Brown Eagle. Think Olympics and the Circle Rings all color coded as their symbol. It's all in your face, everywhere you look. Once people swallow the 1st big truth that their government doesn't love them and actually wants to kill them. That's a big 1st step, then the other steps get easier. BTW- you don't need to school me on Pearl Harbor.......my Father was there in person. I got the inside scoop as a 6 year old and throughout life. I know all the politics behind it. FYI- my Father always said, he didn't blame the Japanese, they had no other choice at the time. I just used it as an example that what history states and the Media are not the truth, it's propaganda orchestrated. The Winners write History, it doesn't mean it's true. Here's a good Propaganda video for you: PROPAGANDA For High School Kids In 1948! Would They Show This Today?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AGpILvdwDM

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How may I send a private message to you?

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our Rowen Report email address is: rrowen@drrowendrsu.com

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Dr, Rowen,

Microplastics (MP) can have both positive and negative charges but are said to be typically negatively charged. Nano-sized zeolite can remove the chemicals/metals and MPs with the positive charges. However, what substance(s) can be used to detox the MPs with negative charges and is/are safe to use?

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I don't have a good answer for this. I would likely use ozone as oxidants have a capability to break down organics and microplastics are organics. Long those treatment. Safe.

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Any suggestions Dr Rowen where to get the "12.5 mg of nascent iodine and potassium iodine" tabs you mentioned? Found "IOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets - 130mg tablets" on Amazon, but they do not match your suggestion. Plus, they have numerous other ones. Thanks.

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I will remind everyone that the vast majority of masks are made from polypropylene plastic. Unlike PET plastics (like plastic bottles) that are "solid" plastic (require heat, friction, time, etc, before they start shedding large amounts of microplastics), polypropylene is made from fibers - large, small, and even plastic dust in there. Many people were breathing in these plastic fibers 8 hours per day, or more, for upwards of two years. I'm not at all saying that mask plastic is what they're finding in these autopsied brains. . .but it certainly isn't helping! Just another "safe and effective" prophylactic.

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Something else to worry about, for those who use this method:

Pouring hot water through drip bags releases thousands of microplastics into coffee


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I wonder if chocolate protects against microplastics toxicity. It's generally acknowledged that the pre-Colombian populations of Latin America who drank chocolate suffered no ill effects from microplastics.

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There were no plastics in existence pre Columbus

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No more masks!! Unless there are fires -- then I'll use my bandana.

Added to the mix is this Venezuela gang, TdA, that is 1000 strong per DOD papers.... and they are stealing trucks, fuel, gas and copper from the west TX oil fields ... all things that can be used for explosive things. The DOD also said one TX base has been shot at 2xs and all military are told to wear full protection gear and especially watch their families as they are worried about kidnapping.

Do know that your local grocery store only has enough for 3 days ... probably less now as people will hoard quickly. Watch supply chains.

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I did buy some potassium iodide. Is the dosage the same for kids?

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I would base it on weight with 100 lbs considered an adult.

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