This is clearly a mental illness issue. Children are placed in unnatural environments and live in mostly chaotic homes. They feel abandoned, unwanted and like they don't fit in. They hate themselves and don't know why then comes along someone that convinced them they are unhappy because they are not who or what they have been told. This is not a physical issue....it is a mental health crisis brought about by the destruction of the family and narcissistic parenting.

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I agree that’s part of it..but I feel the excessive amount of vaccinations these children are subjected to before the age of 5 (to attend ‘public school’) also seriously factors into this “mental illness issue”. Why are there so many “autistic” and “on The Spectrum” children now? There are tons of kids with ‘sensory processing disorders’ now. When you were growing up did you know any kids like that? I certainly did not.

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they have been shooting our kids up with excess vaccines for decades so that does not explain the sudden trend to cut off healthy body parts of the current youth. Since 1989 the vaccine schedule exploded and our kids have been assaulted with these vaccines since then. This is a mental health issue. Parents having children out of wedlock is epedemic. Parents having strangers raise their kids. Parents putting kids in front of a computer, cell phone or IPad instead of interacting with their children. These kids are emotionally deprived since a young age. Parents would rather think their kids were just born in the wrong body than to face the truth and have to deal with it.

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I do agree about the parents to a degree…but what’s to say that a kid ‘On The Spectrum’ (from a vaxx injury) isn’t more vulnerable to the ‘gender dysphoria/sexual identity politics’, that now pervade in schools, on social media, cable TV and mainstream media sources? Then layer on the parents who are asleep at the wheel so to speak, who are on their ‘devices’ practically 24/7 and put their kids in front of the same ‘devices’, as babies and toddlers, as a ‘babysitter’. That creates the ‘perfect storm of crazy’ for these kids.

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As always there are exceptions but it is not the vaccine that has induced gender disphoria in autistic children it is that these children are vulnerable and easily manipulated.

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my older youngling is XX and claimed gender dysphoria symptoms to shrinks and school admin since about age 16.

never had any vaccines until a runaway at 17, went and got konvid injected at a Walmart without parent or guardian signature. did have "vitamin k" shot involuntarily after birth in hospital.

before the dysphoria diagnosis, Oppositional Defiant Disorder since starting public school in 4th grade. never had more than slightly above average behavioral issues before being exposed to the public school system. but once there, realized no authority would do anything about negative behaviors except for the "Safe Seat," not requiring my child do the same work as everyone else had to, and free trips home in the middle of the day with sometimes additional days off for being violent or otherwise acting out. she was testing above her grade level in all courses when homeschooled, though sometimes I had to sit with her for literally hours before she'd stop claiming "I can't do the work" and would then bust out the days assignments in 10-15 minutes at least 80% correct to be allowed to get up and do whatever else.

school immediately tried to claim she was autistic and learning disabled, forced a shrink. shrink said she was either 1) outright psychotic and said that was unlikely or 2) ODD and on the path to juvenile delinquency (prediction correct.)

by 11th grade the school finally grudgingly admitted no autism, no learning disabilities, just Executive Functioning issues.

while she was definitely uppity as a child and would sometimes break her own property when angry, she never had any of the severe issues or obvious mental dysfunction that showed up after being enrolled in public school.

I blame a combination of school, internet, and teenage self-loathing for the dysphoria. she's never gotten over it (age 20 now, high school dropout after runway, wouldn't get GED equivalent.) had a kid, insisted on the idiotic term "pregnant man." at least she doesn't freak out anymore when people don't get her preferred labeling right.

my younger is XY and never had any of the behavioral or mental dysfunctions. home birthed instead of hospital, no "vitamin k." no medic visits ever at all in fact, except for keeping other people company when they were the ones checked in. age 17 now.

being second child he avoided the parenting learning curve my first dealt with but I don't feel like their home environment was different except for the consequences of rule breaking the older often dealt with. as my younger didn't break rules he avoided all of that, likely increasing resentment by the older who bullied and threatened him with some consistency.

other than school and often sneaky access to the interwebz I'm not aware of what could've triggered the dysphoria. or if it was even real. she's not even homosexual, she just doesn't like her body being female and thinks that can be changed.

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May 20·edited May 20

My taxonomy for trans identity:

1) Overmedicalization that causes the issue that would have otherwise worked itself out or have panned out as homosexuality.

2) Social indoctrination

3) Childhood trauma

4) Mental illness

5) Environmental factors (toxins, infections, etc.)

6) Reincarnation bleed-through.

I only consider #6 to be "real". For example, someone lives a string of lives as a woman, then is born as a man, and maybe sometimes a little of that woman-ness has a momentum that isn't yet totally exhausted. Or say a woman dies an early traumatic death then is reborn as a man. That life energy may be especially unresolved and carrying over.

And even in the "real" trans cases, sometimes I think it might naturally work itself out over the long-term and evolve into heterosexuality.

I think all the same about homosexuality.

There is no question of right or wrong to me. The measure of sense is if a person's identities of all sorts are lessening over time, seeing as how we are souls and human attributes are not intrinsic to that at all. A person can feel like whatever they want. If they are getting more and more attached to it however, something is wrong.

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I agree with # 6, in addition to #4, when all else cannot be explained away with these children, such as ‘SomeDude’s’ account of his daughter. I intuitively feel she maybe carrying some ‘karmic debt’ over into this life. Her parents and she chose this ‘soul contract’ when they all agreed to come into this lifetime together. And no, I am not mentally ill, do not suffer from any ‘mental illness’ or ‘delusional thinking’. Quite the contrary, I am quite the rational, logical thinker. 💓🙏🏻

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Why do you muddy the water with a fantasy like #6?

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I have been following the Trans/Gender Dysphoria ‘movement’ for a few years now. Though I am not a medical professional I feel this issue of ‘gender dysphoria/gender identity’ is related to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule that has been in play now for over 37 plus years now. The rise in autism and many more children being diagnosed as “on The Spectrum” as a result of these Childhood vaccines, I feel plays into this whole gender identity/gender dysphoria issue. These kids often have “sensory processing disorders”. Their ability interact with their emotions, process internal and external stimuli, and process their interactions with the world in a somewhat ‘normal way’, has been seriously compromised.

Then you have the ‘gender identity politics’ that are being pushed today, layering in on that are the parents who fall for the gender identity politics ‘messaging’, when their child states they really “are a boy in a girls’s body” (or vice versa). You now have a ‘recipe for disaster’ for these children. And lest not forget the medical industrial healthcare delivery system’s ‘role’ in jumping in on the bandwagon to deliver the ‘pharmaceutical/surgical remedies’ for these ‘confused’ children.

It’s a bad deal all the way around.

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Seems to be a long journey from gender ambivalence to gender dysphoria, something that would require assistance, such as from vaccines. I read something about a close correlation between autism and gender dysphoria.

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A recent talk (May 4) by LA Psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald on Gender Dysphoria.


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