Dear Subscriber,
I have received dozens of messages from concerned and really appreciative readers, most concerned my “sabbatical” is due to health issues. I had planned to tell you the whole story up front. Terri decided against it. Now that she has seen the outpouring of concerns and support, she has given me the green light to let you know the details.
Fortunately, it is not my health, though I admit I have some challenges. While a nuisance, my life is not threatened. No, it is the government, but not for my medical work. It is for my political and legal views, which most of you know nothing about. So, here’s the details of what’s going on:
Many of you know that I have faced off against the government for many years. I co-authored a book on the fraud of our monetary system. The title- “They Own it All (Including You!) by Means of Toxic Currency. It is available on Amazon here: It has generated 4.5 stars in reviews. It is an excellent treatise on the loss of our freedoms and loss of common law simply by the removal (theft) of lawful coined money (gold coin) from our people and replacement with commercial debt instruments.
My beliefs on the monetary system caused me to take certain steps with regards to how I conducted my affairs. Additionally, years ago, the IRS arbitrarily assigned me the tax burden from an entity from which I received no income, nor controlled. The IRS did not go after the assets of the entity, as it should have. The assets were embezzled by a former IRS agent who gained control of the entity. He walked.
In the early 2000s, after studying the fraud of the monetary system, and around the same time as my book, I chose to engage my activities according to real law and the Constitution – getting paid in lawful gold and/or silver coin, and also do the same for staff. You can imagine the ire of the government which keeps up a fiat currency.
I later filed a case in court (2012) contesting the above tax alleged based on an embezzlement casualty loss. While litigating, the IRS raided us and took personal assets from our home. Then, the government decided to prosecute both Terri and me for tax evasion since there were assets that the government believed could have paid down the alleged tax at the time of the raid. I was not aware that I was required to pay the tax FIRST, before litigating the embezzlement. Hence, I technically did violate the law, but without “mens rea” – intent.
The prosecutor falsified a memorandum from a former attorney to gain an indictment against my wife to get to me. Upon discovery of the fabricated evidence, we filed a motion to get the grand jury transcripts to show that the criminal misconduct was definitely used to indict my wife. The trial court denied the motion. Between that and other one-sided rulings by the court, I saw that we could not get a fair trial before that judge. After we discovered the fabricated “evidence”, the government offered to loosen its noose around Terri if I took a plea.
While I wanted to go to trial to prove my innocence, I took the plea and she got out the next day. However, that made me confess to a crime that was not committed; and the judge, as I expected, threw the “book” at me. I was sentenced to 18 months in prison and the largest fine he could impose. I believe that he viewed me and anyone who dared to stand up to the currency or question the IRS as an enemy of the state.
I then took the matter to the ninth circuit on an appeal for matters of prosecutorial misconduct and coercion, making my plea involuntary. The ninth circuit summarily affirmed the decision accepting the fact that I entered a plea, but totally ignoring the concrete evidence in writing, that was not denied by the government, that the prosecutor committed misconduct and crimes against us. (What the prosecutor did was a criminal violation of our civil rights). I really did not think the court would do that, as in so doing, it is furthering the testosterone of prosecutors to commit misconduct just to get a conviction. (Prosecutor misconduct continues to make headlines. Not in my tax case!) So, I continued writing this column business as usual. Now that my surrender is imminent and confirmed, I have to let you know.
For the paid subscribers, I must admit that I don’t have the time or know how to return your unused subscription, so I found a way to pause it to resume when I get out. I’m sure I’ll have lots to tell you.
So, my crime - I stood up to the government on the monetary system, a fraudulent assessment of taxes, and prosecutorial misconduct, and, of course, the government won by hitting me in my weak spot – my wife.
I received a prison sentence for 18 months which will likely be about 14 for good behavior. I will “serve” in a minimum security prison, that reputedly is very safe. I will not be able to write my columns or serve you during this time.
For those of you keenly interested in the inner workings of court and to verify what I have told you here, my case in the 9th circuit is 22-10072. I encourage you to do so if you question the above. You can go to a site called PACER and go to ninth circuit, put in that case, and download the pleadings. There may be a small fee. I think you will be shocked by the process and how my case was handled by government and the court, especially in light of proven written prosecutorial misconduct. The prosecutor was fired from my case shortly after her deeds came to light, but the government continued to tighten the noose on us by refusing to turn over the grand jury transcripts, which would have revealed the full extent of the fraud.
We are Constitution-loving Americans. Please know that.
Ultimately perhaps I will write a second book while in prison further documenting what we addressed in the first book and show absolute tyrannical government fraud in imposing an unconstitutional debt currency on us all. We have lost virtually all our Rights as a result of using someone else’s property in our exchanges. I will make good use of my time.
I apologize from my heart to you all. Again, for all paid subscribers, I have put billing on “pause”. That means that no one can subscribe new, and all those who have subscribed will be stayed in any billing until I “unpause” it when I return, meaning your subscription will remain for the full time you paid and only “paused” while I am away. I plan to resume writing as soon as I am free. Please know that any legal remedy I may have, I will pursue.
Please know that my wife, Terri, will be assuming my patient duties, the office is open, will remain open and that new and return patients may see her.
Thank you all once again from my heart for your support and well wishes.
To Your Excellent Health in these very challenging times,
Robert Jay Rowen, MD
Wow, Robert! I think it’s safe to say that is the last reason anyone here suspected :-) Congratulations on standing up to the government, and I’m very sorry you are being penalized so harshly for doing so.
You will be following in the tradition of a long line of dissident writings, from Thoreau’s “On Civil Disobedience” to MLK Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” I also understand Dr. Simone Gold is working on two books during her sojourn.
May you find solace amidst the hardship and emerge with a book you can feel proud of. Take good care in the meantime.
Terri will have the address. Those interested can message the office to get it. Thank you.