Ozonated Glycerin Workshop. February 10, 2025. Open to All by Streaming and a Few In Person Seats.
Supplemental December 2024. The Rowen Report
Dear Subscriber,
I had wanted to take a break this week, but we are just getting too many inquiries about OG, and admittedly, we have had our own internal matters trying to get set up for our first streaming workshop. Many questions sent to me are specifically asking for suggestions to use OG to treat specific conditions. That is something I am not willing to do here for many reasons. (You can imagine why). I will make a few generalizations and give you some directions to consider at the end.
OG is soluble in water and oil. Hence, it can be used most any way, and comes off cleanly with water. Topically, I’ve applied it full strength to my skin. It is sticky. For nebulization, our TB like infected patient has nebulized a 1:20 solution and done great. But the high dilution is because we had precious little OG. Now that supply is loosening up, we will build her to 30-33% nebulized in distilled water. Terri and I now have some home “brew” for ourselves after first providing our limited production to clients in need, and will try 3 cc twice daily orally. That theoretically carries the punch of a 10 pass.
We are having the workshop with Dr. Bridge on February 10. We have just a few in house seats left for public. The rest are for Injection-licensed health professionals who will attend our 3 days intense workshops the days before. Any health professional can sign on for our ozone classes, which get simply amazing reviews. We endeavor to convey decades of knowledge and experience. The reviews (which can be seen on our YouTube channel) confirm it. For example, we teach EBOO, and can assist any office to get set up with a truly superior system for about half the cost of a proprietary set up (which can cost in the high $20K range), and save doctors and patients a ton of money. Any health professional can email office (terrisu@sonic.net) for more information on our tri-yearly workshops. If you have a physician who might be open to learning an unbelievable method of healing, please direct him/her to us so that you might be able to get treated locally. We get many clients from out of our area, and are delighted to have hundreds of trainees to send them to for continuing care.
For anyone interested in the 4 hour Ozonated Glycerin workshop on Monday, February 10, 2025 we will be offering it virtually for $285. There won’t be a cap on virtual participants. Payment by January 12 will be at $285. After Jan 12, it will be $300. Checks arrival dates will be in queue for physical seats, so payment with credit card is quicker to secure your seat. Checks already in the mail will be honored by the Mailed Date on the envelope. There will be a full refund to virtual sign ups if the meeting is not streamed. We plan to use Zoom, so please make sure you have the Zoom app. If you have prepaid for a physical seat, and we cannot accommodate you in house, we will refund the $65 difference between virtual and physical attendance. You may call the office, 707-578-7787 to pay by credit card. All attendees, physical or virtual, need to fill out the registration form below and return it to the office by email at the time you make payment. Please copy and paste it onto your email or a Word document to return to us. We have decided to handle financial transactions through the office by credit card rather than by PayPal.
We will demo a simple means to make OG. We will be discussing its use in animals AND humans and share experiences and suggestions on both sides. We plan to take questions, and here is where we can make some “unofficial” suggestions for personal use, and animal as well, and for any oxidation treatment as well as OG. We also plan to do one joint injection demonstration on an already established patient, and an IV infusion demonstration on an already established patient.
This should be an exciting 4 hours. Dr. Bridge fields questions very well, and will answer any questions regarding animals. Should be of great value to pet owners. We will endeavor to address specific conditions from all, time permitting, without crossing the line to formal diagnosis and treatment, which we cannot do in a forum like Substack. We look forward to hosting you!
I plan, if possible, to have video of the class. All those who attend, physically or virtually, will be given a link after the class to the video. Slides will be on the video. Please don’t message me about the video. I won’t respond to individual inquiries. I will announce it here, if and when the video is available, and also inform you here if we could not make it. For people who cannot attend real time, the video will be available for purchase for the cost of the virtual workshop - $285 - after the class.
Please email office at: terrisu@sonic.net regarding the workshop(s).
Please have a wonderful and safe Holiday!
Robert Jay Rowen, MD
Ozonated Glycerin with Dr. Jim Bridge
In person ____ virtual ____
Name ________________________
Email address _______________________
Payment made $________ by credit card to office.
Date payment made ______________
Your Phone Number _______________________
Date of submission ______________
How did you hear about workshop? _____________________
Note – professional attendees attending physically will be given a different registration form at the desk to reflect training and hours for a certificate, but must fill out this as well, so we can account for numbers expected.
Unfortunately I am unable to afford the class.U hope some nuggets come from the presentations that can be shared with subscribers. I plan to take my OG orally and nebulized. I am going to put the OG in my dogs food or water per Dr Bridge's suggestion for OG dilution.
Please mike (mic.) the questions and any side banter. The audience audio was a weak spot on the last recording.