New Podcast Featuring the GIFTED and Legendary Margo Roman, DVM on Fecal Transplant Miracles
#1 2025 The Rowen Report
Dear Subscriber,
Happy New Year. To start my 2025 internet services off with a “BANG”, I wanted to let you know I just uploaded a most amazing podcast with legendary vet Margo Roman, who has pioneered fecal transplants in animals, which has been paving the way for the same in humans. Margo is good friends with Terri and me. She is a GIFTED animal healer. She and I have lectured at multiple ozone events. Her talks are more often on fecal transplants, and what they have done for her patients.
This is a must-see podcast for all those who have pets, and any human with a chronic condition. We are far more than 23 duplicated chromosomes (46 total in humans). Our gut is loaded with trillions of germs, which generally perform for us when balanced, fed properly and nurtured. I liken it to a tropical rain forest, which continually enriches the world.
Our gut is a two-way street, and direct to the brain. Actual products in the gut are conducted directly up the vagus nerve to our central nervous system. If toxic, the poisons can induce neurological degeneration. If beneficial, bacterial generated products can soothe, nourish and help repair our tissues, nervous system, immune system, etc.
Margo details her methods of fecal transplants in animals, especially her donor cats and dogs, which have eaten organic for generations and not received vaccines. She runs through many cases of serious conditions in her animal patients “miraculously” recovering. Physical maladies, allergic maladies, and even psychological maladies, in animals, responding essentially instantly. The psychological maladies getting fixed in animals is mind blowing. Aging may be slowed by taking the biome of a young animal and implanting it into an older one. We know that transfusions of blood components can do this. I like microbiome alteration much better than blood components.
Margo also shares some fantastic cases in humans as well, including neurological, though they were not her patients.
I have covered fecal transplants with Dr. Roman in the past and strongly encourage you to see this podcast if you have an unhealthy animal, or are faced with your own challenges. Fecal transplants are gaining favor in conventional medicine. We live in harmony with our gut microbiome. If a particular line of beneficial organisms is missing, say from antibiotic wipe out or other, it is akin to your entire body will be deficient in some essential vitamin, and your physiology will suffer. People with chronic disease may be deficient in one line of organisms, or have a pathological line. A fecal transplant can replace the missing, and provide competition to neutralize the undesirable organisms. If I were much younger in practice, I would likely be doing this. As it is, Terri and I want to concentrate our efforts on the ozone and oxidative medicine track and refer out those needing fecal transplants, while we concentrate on what we are best at – ozone and other oxidation therapies including ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy. One of our ozone trainees, Jonathan Birch, ND of Santa Barbara, has expanded his novel practices into fecal transplants. He is not the only outlet for humans, but we know him well from ozone classes with us.
It turns out that obese people have a different biome than slender folks.A likely huge factor in obesity, at a time when potentially toxic drugs are rampantly pushed.
I believe that vaccination may ultimately alter a normal microbiome, as will toxins, especially glyphosate (Roundup) which is actually an antibiotic. Bacteria are plants. Anything that can kill a plant can disrupt your microbiome. Mitochondria also are believed to have arisen from a bacteria with high energy production efficiency with a nucleated cell. So, not only will antibiotics harm. Your microbiome, but also possibly damage your mitochondria.
I am asked frequently about pro-biotics. There are many and for many different purposes. The one we like and use, both personally and professionally, for general all-around purpose is Doctor’s Biome. Discount code: OXYGEN. Unlike most, it has never been desiccated, which can kill off a hefty percentage of the good organisms, tastes treat, and has many beneficial strains. The company also has a modified one specific for women’s needs as her biome will also affect her vaginal flora. There is no one size fits all in this field, however.
Finally, not even a GIFTED innovator like Margo Roman, DVM, is immune from regulatory attack. “They” have come after her and “they” have come after me. In her case, for an innocuous email. She is in litigation, as am I. Hopefully, this New Year will see some changes in the draconian malevolent regulatory state. Now that a new Congress is settling in, I will be reminding you frequently to call your U.S. Senator to confirm RFK, Jr. for HHS Secretary. He has messaged me again about his support for our causes. He needs our support as “they” will attempt to take him out as well, by obstructing his confirmation.
To Your Excellent Health!
Robert Jay Rowen, MD
PS Thought you would enjoy this photo Terri took of the Divine Light hitting me at St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican when we went to Italy for an ozone meeting last. May. Notice the only light in the whole place, and from the shadow, clearly it was not from a camera flash! May your New Year be filled with Divine Light, Health, Healing, and Safety.
Thank you, your wisdom and connections on innovative and fascinating Dr’s is so great.
I was about to do FT before the pandemic hit. Now, I am hesitant due to C-vaccinated people. Are the FT donors all clot shot free? Also, I believe this obese gut biome was also low in Akkermansia too, hence the new Akkermansia products on the market?
sorry, a bit off topic.. about medical freedom, wanted to share not sure where to post :