Major Warning Shot From the Elites and Risk to Your Access to Honorable Health Information
#103 2024 The Rowen Report
Dear Subscriber,
I am inviting you to watch this very short video of one of the Democratic Party elites, John Kerry. He is talking to the World Economic Forum. He expresses frustration to fellow globalists that our first amendment stands as a roadblock to the ability of the government to hammer disinformation out of existence. He wants to win enough votes so that they will be free to implement change. “It is very hard to govern today”. His talk was a swipe at “misinformation” and the fact that the government is having a harder time in programming and brainwashing people as they move beyond the “truthful” information outlet of the Deep State-run press and going to other sources on the internet, which the Deep State is doing all it can to snuff out. Elon Musk took over Twitter (X) and just look at how he has been vilified for de-censoring the platform.
The situation is real, not conjecture. You read me here on Substack because of censorship on Facebook which drove me out during COVID. Zuckerberg apologized for surrendering to this administration’s hegemony on speech. I was impressed. However, I have not been personally offered any apologies. YouTube, despite permitting hundreds of my videos on ozone and other miracles of alternative medicine, still is censoring, especially the corrupt COVID narrative.
The Founders were 1000% aware of the need for free speech, even untruthful speech, but the speech police of today want to zip the mouths shut of those who propagate “misinformation”, a clever word to choke the 1st amendment. In the case of COVID, almost all the misinformation I saw came from “THEM”, not us. And who is “THEM”? It is the same “THEY” in the title of my currency book “THEY OWN IT ALL (INCLUDING YOU!). The world cabal elites who are perilously close to a global government.
This had direct medical, health and environmental impact. You were lied to about COVID and the genetic jab. This affected YOUR life, health and your loved ones. Yet they are using their own nefarious deeds to further strip our rights, and openly admitting that speech rights are a great threat to their RULERSHIP. Please remember, it was THIS administration that presided over misinformation and I don’t want to be accused by THEM of the same, as is THEIR practice. We have a “government” that has repeatedly lied to us over health matters. I believe it is because these same ELITES control Pharma, which owns and controls our alleged government.
I have another take on it. I am old enough to remember real journalism. I was actually trained in it while in high school. There were news stories where the facts were presented, and there were editorials, wherein opinion was presented. The reporters actually went out and investigated and reported facts. Today the reporters get fat on what the government and RULERS want you to know and they spew it out as fact and news, when if you closely read what the news says, it is mostly opinion and hyperbole, and propaganda especially when it comes to political candidates and health matters. (Fluoride is another example of government spewed “misinformation”. I would rather call it “lies”.
People are awakening to this, and seeking information away from the legacy media, and this has Kerry and his ilk worried. Kerry seems to be hoping that the next administration will use its might to gag those who speak out using the first amendment.
Kerry complains that “it is hard to govern today”. Well, the Founders knew that “democracy” is mob rule and put safeguards in our Constitution to prevent such. The elites want an easy time “governing” (RULING), another term for 1984, which we saw a good example of in 2021. If you were forced to get genetically altered to keep you job, then you were under “RULERSHIP”, not respecting your Creator endowed Rights to your body.
We are extremely divided today and it is worsening. There are widely divergent political views in the readership of this page. I respect it. But I also respect you and ask humbly that you consider the risk of government muzzling voices like mine in its drive to take you over, as evidenced in the past 4 years.
We lose speech, we lose everything.
To Your Excellent Health (and ability to discuss it)!
Robert Jay Rowen, MD
dr rowen, one of your best articles. clear and concise and fact filled. excellent. yes, it is not called the "first" amendment for nothing. if that amendment is somehow bypassed and digital currency forced upon us, it's game over and rome will have fallen again.
actually, that analogy is not correct. rome had nothing like our "of, for, and by the people", but it was the most powerful empire ever, and tho not technically an empire, watching the u.s. being destroyed during my lifetime does remind me of rome burning. bill diehl
other quotes:
“I think we need to push back on this. There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”
"And the bottom line is that you can’t say you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation. And that has to stop."
...and NO fact checkers commented when Walz said that the "Supreme Court Test" for free speech was yelling fire in a crowded theater. That is absolutely NOT, and had never been, a Supreme Court test for free speech. That was dicta (a non-binding side comment) by Oliver Wendell Holmes in a 1919 case about the Espionage Act, which was overturned anyway in the 60's. It's EXTREMELY disturbing that a governor would not know about the First Amendment.
More concerning... my comment is not simply a fact check, it's a glimpse into the entire paradigm, philosophy of Walz and Kamala. Think for a moment about WHY they believe in the "greater good", making decisions "for your own good", etc. This is extreme paternalism, some of the favorite phrases used by fascists throughout history. In other words, they are justified (indeed, morally obligated) to censor or outlaw anything they think might be bad for the "masses" (they don't care about YOU, how the individual may get trampled in this process. It's a Machiavellian math question, not a question of individual freedoms or liberties, etc). Censor social media & beyond, deny medical autonomy, take away gas cars, issue a national property tax, etc. And of course this can change from moment to moment - like California mandating formaldehyde in mattresses, then later banning formaldehyde in mattresses. But facts are not important either - the only thing that's important is that ever-present paternalistic hand guiding us through our lives because we're incapable of making our own decisions about our autonomy.
And by the way, I do define myself as a classic liberal. But as RFK has said many times, the Democratic party is NOT the party it used to be. And if JFK were alive today he would be booted out of the Democratic party with prejudice, and labeled a right-wing nut job by the media.