Dear Subscriber,
This is part 3 of my series on long haul issues. The final part will be to discuss how ozone may be a perfect therapy for these challenges, based on its known mechanisms of action, which I will bring forward.
I would bet that you know someone who was injured by the COVID vaccine, perhaps someone who was forced to get it. I will discuss the whys of this below.
But first, is there any good to the vaccine?
It has been recently admitted that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting the disease, nor prevent you from transmitting it. Why the latter? Because, if the vaccine works at all as advertised, it would provide protection for dissemination of the virus in your blood. Not in your nose, where it can replicate, and spread to others. Conceivably, then, it might spare you systemic complications, but not local infection or spreading it.
Can it do any good for you? According to Nature Medicine, yes:
“The study of more than 13 million veterans also found that vaccination against the virus that causes COVID-19 reduced the risk of death by 34% and the risk of getting long COVID by 15%, compared with unvaccinated patients infected with the virus. However, vaccines were shown to be most effective in preventing some of the most worrisome manifestations of long COVID – lung and blood-clotting disorders – which declined about 49% and 56%, respectively, among those who were vaccinated.” Nature Medicine May 25, 2023.
However, this may be an absolute risk reduction which is not quite relevant.