18 Vaccines in one day turns unvaccinated 5 year old autistic. A tragic case. And 40 POUNDS of microplastics ingested by all.
#108 2024 The Rowen Report
Dear Subscriber,
We are told that vaccines do not cause autism. That is true and not true. How could that be?
Many children receive vaccines without “apparent” neurological injury. But many children seem to regress some time shortly after vaccination. This heartbreaking story involves a 5 year old who was spared vaccination by religious parents until a divorce came around and the judge promised custody to the parent who would vaccinate the child. Evidently the mother did, and the kid got a multitude of vaccines (18) all at once. Shortly after, he developed severe regressive autism. In a case like this, at age 5, there could be no question but that this was a vaccine induced injury. On the other hand, I have to admit that he might be loaded up with other environmental toxins, and the instant vaccine load pushed him over the brink. My understanding is that after fighting over custody, and the mom running out to get the myriad of vaccines all at once, she has abandoned the child to the father, with the attitude that she did not “sign up for this.” (“this” meaning continuing to raise her own vaccine injured child),
Folks, there is always a bell shaped curve. I would bet that a majority of children would be injured from a similar insult. As you vaccinate less, there would be less injury. But even at the edge of the bell shaped curve, there is injury, albeit, lower risk.
I do think vaccines are highly involved with autism, and can cause neurological injury all on their own. I’ve only met a few non vaccinated autistic children. I think that vaccines combine with other environmental toxins to injure, which likely explains the high rate of autism authorities reveal, but who will not even mention vaccine as a cause.
On a political note here, you know that RFK, Jr has moved over to Trump’s camp. I am not here to tell you who to vote for. I do hope that you will vote your conscience. Regarding RFK, Jr., I have been in contact with him over the stupid ozone situation. You know, there are thousands of articles on the medical benefits of ozone, and kept in a government sponsored library – Pubmed. I have several articles there on ozone. Yet the Fraud and Deception Administration maintains, in regulatory law, that ozone is a toxic gas with no know medical applications. I pointed this out to him, and he quickly wrote back that if their team gets in, he will end this stupidity. Considering his open stance protecting us all from forced vaccination, I believe him. He also wants to protect nutritional supplement. This is most important to me. These are real issues and should transcend personality matters.
Finally, at the Stem Cell meeting we attended over the weekend, we learned that the average American ingests 40 POUNDS of microplastics every year. This is simply astronomical. You know that these micro poisons can enter your body, move everywhere, and cross the placenta. I actually fear this as a downfall of human and animal life more than nuclear war, though we seem to be on the brink of it.
And since I have reserved comment here for currency matters, I will comment on another current event. The BRICS nations are meeting right now to try to replace the Fraudulent Reserve Note, which still stands as the world’s reserve currency, by means of American military hegemony, only. Our government prints all it wants, and everyone else has to eat it. The BRICS nations are getting raped and tired of this. We will get what we deserve by tolerating this abuse.
If they come up with their own currency, which likely will be at least partially gold backed, the FRN dollar will be struck and our lifestyle will likely descend to third world almost overnight. Prepare for this. I believe it is coming, sooner or later.
I do not think the world will sustain our unpayable national debt for very much longer.
To Your Excellent Health!
Robert Jay Rowen, MD
I have written about micro[astics. They are everywhere. You even breathe them in. They are in the fossil record. Consider all the drier exhaust, the breadkdown of all the plastics in the environment. Go online and see the disaster unfolding.
If you’re a Christian and believe the Bible, you already know what’s coming. It’s going to suck but it doesn’t matter. The enemy will get his due.