1. Bird Flu - a Real Threat. Ways to Be Prepared. 2. Updated information for our Ozonated Glycerin Class
#!35 2024 The Rowen Report
Dear Subscriber,
First, new information for our ozonated glycerin workshop. The date is Feb 10, 2025 beginning at 10 am PST. We plan until 2:30 with two “potty breaks” during the time period.
An updated registration form is below. If you plan to attend and have not sent in the previous on, please use this one. Also, we will not be looking for any more patients for demos. We will be taking one recently previously treated patient in our office for a joint injection and one for IV infusion. Please don’t call and volunteer. We have limited physical seats for lay people. If we cannot physically accommodate you, and have received $350 for physical attendance, we will refund $65 for the difference between physical and virtual attendance.
Now on to the subject of the day: Bird Flu. From Scientific American:
“””Virologists around the world said they were flabbergasted by how poorly the United States was tracking the situation. “You are surrounded by highly pathogenic viruses in the wild and in farm animals,” said Marion Koopmans, head of virology at Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands. “If three months from now we are at the start of the pandemic, it is nobody’s surprise.”
Although the bird flu is not yet spreading swiftly between people, a shift in that direction could cause immense suffering. The CDC has repeatedly described the cases among farmworkers this year as mild — they weren’t hospitalized. But that doesn’t mean symptoms are a breeze, or that the virus can’t cause worse.
“It does not look pleasant,” wrote Sean Roberts, an emergency services specialist at the Tulare County, California, health department in an email to colleagues in May. He described photographs of an infected dairy worker in another state: “Apparently, the conjunctivitis that this is causing is not a mild one, but rather ruptured blood vessels and bleeding conjunctiva.”
Over the past 30 years, half of around 900 people diagnosed with bird flu around the world have died. Even if the case fatality rate is much lower for this strain of the bird flu, COVID showed how devastating a one percent death rate can be when a virus spreads easily.”””
This is potentially a real crisis. COVID will seem like a walk in the park if this highly pathogenic virus manages to tweak a few more mutations to easily infect humans. Some believe the great Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 (which did as much to end the Great War than the fighting) was this type of influenza virus. Actually, the current virus is H5N1. The one from one hundred years ago was H1N1.
There are few options for conventional viral prevention and therapy. Antibiotics are not one of them. Antivirals can be very toxic. They address genetic material.
I have published in peer review medical journals how many viruses, including EBOLA are highly dependent on sulfur bearing amino acids for infectivity. These amino acids must be reduced, leaving a structure that looks like this R-S-H. Ozone or other oxidants weigh heavily on the balance of reduced thiol groups. O3 + 2 R-S-H -> O2 + R-S-S-H. This is the equivalent of chopping the fingers off the entity (virus) trying to enter the “cookie jar” (your cells).
In the great epidemic of 1918, a British physician in India halved the death rate in the worst cases of viral pneumonia with a few pennies worth of hydrogen peroxide infusion. That government and medicine has not picked up and run with this is a crime against humanity in my opinion. I have no reason to think ozone will not do the same. (That is why I had no fear in risking myself to go to the EBOLA epidemic. My hunch was proven correct in the 5 cases we managed to get to).
In the case of ozone itself, it cannot be inhaled. But dilute hydrogen peroxide can (we begin at 0.0075% for safety), and ozonated glycerin might be even better, at least at this point I think so.
I have encouraged all our clients to have a home ozone generator for rectal and ear insufflation, and drinking ozonized water. And now I think for making ozonated glycerin, which will be very convenient means of application and inhalation.
You don’t need to spend on a generator for OG. You can acquire it from both PURO3.com immediately and from SimplyO3.com (in manufacture). We will discuss specifics of nebulization at the upcoming workshop, but I’ll tell you that our patient with Mycobacterium abscessus (severe lung infection causing huge cavitations as bad or worse than TB) has diluted the “mother tincture” 1:20 and has made a simply amazing turn around after conventional medicine offered little. We are working with her on more concentrated OG nebulizations at this time.
I hope and pray that the current bird flu “crisis” does not morph into a human calamity. But I’ve repeatedly said we are overdue for Nature to hit us back. COVID was not Nature – it apparently was man-made, and got out of the lab of its birth. Possibly deliberately. And likely with American gain of function funding. A crime in my opinion.
So, let’s stay ahead of this one. Have some OG around, and a nebulizer, and hopefully a home ozone generator. Both companies provide discounts for readers here. REDWOOD for PURO3 and ROWEN for SimplyO3. A third company, which was Longevity Resources, has re-emerged as Southern Star. Their discount code is ORION. If it does not work, please let both us and the company know.
I do remain hopeful that RFK, Jr will tap me for advice on situations like this.
To Your Excellent Health,
Robert Jay Rowen, MD
Following form to be copied, filled out and returned to us by email (terrisu@sonic.net) or fax (707-578-7787) for our workshop:
Ozonated Glycerin with Dr. Jim Bridge
In person ____ $350
Virtual ____ $285
Health Professional? ____ yes _______ no
Type of health professional ___________
Name ________________________
Office Email address if a health professional _______________________
Personal email address_______________________________________
Mobile Phone _______________________
Date of submission ______________
How did you hear about workshop? _____________________
I hear your concern about the potential of Bird Flu causing a “worse sickness than C*V*D”.
Yet I am SO weary and leery of the ‘fear mongering’ from the past four years about the phony C*V*D ‘virus’ that has NEVER been isolated! How to we know if ANYONE is speaking the TRUTH about any of this stuff?
So why are people getting ‘sick’? You never talk about that…only the ‘cures’ you offer.
Well we know the ones that took the ‘C*V*D jabs’ aren’t protected by the first Jab or their 7th booster. But what about all of the unvaccinated folks? How can they “protect themselves” prophylactically? That might be an avenue to discuss. To keep us out of the ‘practitioners’ offices?
its poisionings that make us ill , not made up so called viruses or the viruses [ if they exist } are made to be the delivery vehicles [ vectors ] for various poisons [ including genetic poisons ...ozone can destroy poisons by oxidising them , or they can be destroyed by various bacteria, or by various immune factors,,, my fowollowing comment will prove that microrganisms can destroy poisons .... good God please help us all